
Can Whole Foods Serve Chicago Southside Soul Analysis

Decent Essays

A New Whole Foods Will Build A New Englewood

In the article “Can Whole Foods Serve Chicago Southside Soul?” Natalie Y. Moore reveals the plan on an opening of a nationwide organic grocery chain, Whole Foods, in Englewood, on Chicago’s South Side. Moore pulls out several negative tweets of individuals concerning the chance of success of Whole Foods. In a place where “it is easier to buy guns and drugs than food” (1), it is understandable that people are concerned about the success of a new store. However, according to Mari Gallagher, a well-known food deserts expert, the new Whole Foods in Englewood has the “potential to attract other quality retailers to Englewood, and at the same time support local grassroots efforts, such as urban agriculture …show more content…

On the one hand, the location is a major advantage. It is close to major transportation and near Kennedy-King, a newly designed City College, with the enrollment of 6000 students. Whole Foods can be a very good place for a hungry students or business people who work in this former “second downtown” (3). Having said that, one of the biggest changes Whole Foods can make is to provide an opportunity to shop for the finest, freshest, the most natural and organic food available. In other words, to bring a new “food oasis” in a long standing “food desert” right within the community. On the other hand, the background history of the neighborhood is a surprising factor that promises a great chance to sell fresh and healthy products: It has a “number of bona fine community’s assets, including many working and middle-class families living there” (3). One of the findings in the Chicago Food Desert Progress Report on June 2011 by Mari Gallagher is that “The Food Desert has many low-income residents, but not everyone is poor. Middle and upper middle class residents also live there. For example, in 2010, we identified over 12,000 Food Desert households that earn over $100,000 per year” (3). In my point of view, these families are willing to shop for better and healthier foods. Gradually, they will be able to make a great influence on the …show more content…

Mari Gallagher states that “Whole Foods has potential to attract other quality retailers to Englewood, and at the same time support local grassroots efforts, and this would be good for the market, economic development, job creation and public health” (3). I strongly agree with her point because a new store construction will offer hundreds jobs for local people. In consequence, hundreds families in Englewood will have a better life. Mr. Walter Robb, Whole Foods’ CO-CEO promises “he would consider the community’s vision and offer competitive price” (1). If I were one of the Englewood residents, I would be thrilled for the opportunities that Whole Foods may bring to my

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