
Case 16 Year Old Barry

Decent Essays

Physical development begins at infancy and continues into late adolescence (Thomas, 2013). This type of development mainly concentrates on general fitness and gross and fine motor skills, which involves control of various muscles and physical coordination. General fitness. 16-year-old Barry is 5 foot 8 inches tall (68 inches) and he weighs 135 pounds (61 kilograms). According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), this places him somewhere between the 25th and 50th percentile of boys his age (2000). The NCHS states that the average height of 16-year-old boys is 5 foot 7 inches tall (69 inches) and the average weight is 135 pounds (61 kilograms). While Barry’s exact percentile is unknown, it is safe to say that he is closer to …show more content…

Fine motor skills involve the movement of smaller muscles such as hands, fingers, wrists, and toes (Kelly, 2014). Common examples of fine motor skills include: writing, using computer keyboards, turning pages, and eating. While Barry is not necessarily struggling with the use of his smaller muscles, his fine motor skills do need improvement. His handwriting is sometimes illegible, which affects his school grades. He also has difficulties using a computer keyboard. Barry types out his sentences with both index fingers rather than using multiple fingers at once. This makes typing out school assignments a tedious …show more content…

In this stage, adolescents are able to think logically about abstract ideas or events that can potentially occur (“Piaget Stages”, 2015). Adolescents in this stage can also formulate hypotheses and logically use symbols related to math and science. This stage perfectly describes Barry. The teen excels at math and proudly calls it his “favorite subject.” His math homework is always jam-packed with steps that all lead up a (correct) solution. He also enjoys talking abstract ideas such as freedom, happiness, and love. He has literally spoken for hours about the meaning of

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