
Case Study: The Naval Branch Health Clinic

Decent Essays

1. Purpose. The committee’s purpose is to plan and promote events that will enhance morale and promote esprit de corps of all personnel within the command.

2. Membership

a. The Naval Branch Health Clinic (NBHC), Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mid-South Command Morale Team (CMT) represents a cross-section of the staff. It may be comprised of both military and civilian personnel. Active members make up the voting membership. All personnel within the command may attend committee meetings and assist with events. Each member shall:

(1) Be a direct liaison between the committee and the rest of NBHC, NSA Mid-South.

(2) Have voting power of one vote per issue raised.

(3) Attend committee meetings when possible, including …show more content…


a. The CMT President will preside over all meetings. Meetings will be conducted in accordance with proper military bearing, discipline and courtesy. The Advisor/President will call meetings as needed.

b. Regular meetings will be held weekly on Wednesday afternoon, or more often as determined by quorum of the committee. c. In the event of an emergency meeting, the Secretary, will notify members of date, time and location of emergency meetings. The Secretary will attach with this notification an agenda for the emergency meeting in order to ensure effective time management of the meeting.

5. Elections

a. The President position may be a Chief or Petty Officer First Class ONLY. All other CMT officer positions shall be elected without regard to rank. The nominations of officers and election will be held by email vote the first three weeks in January. Results of the election shall be tallied and made public by the SEL. The term of each office is 12 months. Members may be re-elected to any office to which they are duly nominated at the end of their current term, but can not server two or more consecutive terms in any …show more content…

Standing Rules

a. A minimum of 50% of all appointed Officers is required for a voting a motion at regularly scheduled meetings. A minimum of 50% of all active members is required for a voting quorum to amend CMT By-Laws. A minimum of 50% of all NBHC, NSA Mid-South staff is required for election of CMT officers.

b. The Secretary will list attendees present at meetings for an accurate list of active CMT members.

c. The Advisor will receive a copy of the proceedings of each meeting no later than three working days following any meeting.

d. All CMT members will adhere to military standards of conduct at all times.

e. Any CMT member convicted of NJP, Court Martial, or Civil Criminal Court will be dismissed from the team for a period of not less than six months.

f. We sign this the ____ day of _____ in the year two-thousand and sixteen, to be true and accurate and the legal document of the CMT committee. As from this point, all items and sections noted will be the law of this CMT Committee.

____________________________ _____________________________
Submitted by: Reviewed by:
PO1(FMF) K. Brown SCPO(FMF/CAC) M. D. Ochoa
CMT President Senior Enlisted

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