
Comparison Of The Green House Project And Eden Philosophy

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The Green House Project and Eden philosophy are the new and upcoming attitudes towards long-term care and assisted living facilities. This idea of the Green House model emphasizes a smaller and more intimate nursing home facility. This program will provide a new level of care for the elderly that don’t intend of living in a nursing home. The Eden philosophy ties in with the Green House Project because its approach is in changing the environment, culture, and caregiving in the nursing home experience. This is to “create a habitat for human beings rather than facilities for the frail and elderly” (Larsen, 2015). In my opinion, I think that these motives of living will change how the nursing homes facilitate care. The aspects towards these newly formed ideas of the Green House Project and the Eden philosophy are truly life changing in this attitude of living. …show more content…

“The current environments of the nursing home facilities are unpleasant, sterile, and a lifeless environment that tends to create boredom and loneliness” (Larsen, 2015). This is what most nursing homes are like, which is why communities should help and implement changes these methods of living. In addition, it is important to construct these new paths when carrying out these goals to help the elderly to live a healthier quality of life and wellbeing. These plans in both the Green House Project and Eden Philosophy in combination promote a worthwhile life and here is

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