In a world where different industries continue to become more and more competitive, many employers select potential employees with a much higher form of education. The medical industry, particularly nursing, is one of these industries that require more advanced education. In this regard, continuing education for nurses continues to become a trend these days. This program is vital because nurses are the ones who often speak to patients and acquiring important educational content can be of great help for them to become more successful in their career. Generally, continuing education for nurses is mandatory for a license renewal. This program is based on contact hours or units. In most states, the program usually works for 10 contact hours, which …show more content…
It also helps nurses become up-to-date on new medical or nursing information. In addition, courses offered in this program are ideal not only for nurses. Many courses are also perfect for other busy professionals like caregivers who seek convenient learning process to prepare themselves for the examination required for licenser. Before pursuing continuing education for nurses, you need to be aware of the legislature of your state first. In present days, some states no longer consider this kind of program as a requirement for a license renewal. This is because the nursing boards of these states no longer believe that the program is necessary to increase nursing competence. On the other hand, many other states continue to keep their commitment with the program. Since requirements vary for every state, institutional policy, and area of specialty, it is best to make relevant inquiries regarding the education itself as well as the learning process. Furthermore, reaching out to the Board of Nursing of your state is a brilliant idea to become a well-informed candidate. After acquiring pertinent information, the next best thing to do is review the course you are taking before
In order to obtain licensure, you must possess a registered nursing license, complete an accredited graduate-level program, and pass a national certification exam. All CRNAs must recertify every 2 years, which also includes 40 hours of continuing education.
The second provision I chose describes the importance of continued education in the nursing field. This education can be through continuing education credits (CEUs), advancements in a degree, or participating part of a work force committee. Advancements are always being made in patient care and safety; for this reason the state of MN requires 24 continuing education credits every two years. This can be completed through online courses, lectures, conferences, and courses that meet requirements. The hospital I work for also provides emails, bulletin boards, and meetings on any changes or updates that will effect and implemented by nursing staff. Besides meeting my employers and state requirements, I am also currently a student to obtain a BSN in nursing.
Due to innovations in technological tools and information management systems while collaborating and coordinating care with other health professionals, nurses have been called upon by the IOM committee to acquire higher levels of education to help them meet the needs of the population. The educational systems to prepare nurses for the work force today, needs to be geared towards community settings like primary care, public health, and long-term care. Nursing curricula in schools, need to be reviewed, updated, and adaptive enough in science, technology, research, and rich fundamental concepts that will enhance decision making skills, involving dynamic clinical situations in all settings to meet the ever changing needs in health care according to the IOM committee.
Nursing is a crucial field, which affects the lives of people. The public does not have enough information pertaining those who practice nursing this led to the introduction of nursing licensure to protect the public from unqualified persons. This license sets qualifications and competence of nursing professionals. Compared to state nursing licensure, national nursing licensure advocates for a more effective practice for nurses. It reduces or lessens nursing shortage by promoting mobility of the nursing professionals. National nursing licensure has a number of advantages over individual state nursing licensure. These include enhanced patient access to quality nursing care, improved discipline and information distribution amongst the states, physical and electronic provision of care by competent nurses, and ease of employers to more movable and proficient nurses (Fraziea, 2012).
Once you have your LPN, you need to keep your license active and in good standing. Each state is different in
The Board of Nursing is a regulatory agency that enforces the Nurse Practice act through disciplinary action, provides the NCLEX for registered nurses to obtain their license to practice in that state and approves nurse education programs (Cherry & Jacob p.71). The Board of Nursing regulates my personal professional nursing practice by the following. I have to pass the NCLEX to get my RN license and keep up with my continuing education units. I have to renew my RN license every year on my birthday to ensure that my license remains valid and maintain safe practice by following the Nurse Practice Act. If I do not follow the Nurse Practice
The need for expansion in their roles for higher levels of education and an improved system of education are required for nurses now for meeting the diverse needs of the patients and to provide better care. Improving the education system and achieving a more educated work force is increasing with nurses having baccalaureate degrees , that is, a traditional Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing program or a traditional 4 year Bachelor of Nursing program or a program that allows seamless transition from Associate in Diploma Nursing to Bachelor of Nursing.
Attaining a high level of education will improve the healthcare system only if nurses are fully utilizing their knowledge and abilities. Many times nurses face challenges in exercising their abilities and knowledge due to institutional policies or government regulations,
With the help of nurse educators, they are there to educate and teach students, patients, and caregivers about disease prevention and management and health care promotion. The fascinating thing is that being prepared from a master’s program is always constant learning. Not only do the prepared nurses builds on the baccalaureate level, but they are always on their feet to discover new and creative ways to deliver patient-centered care. The master’s prepared nurse would constantly be attending meetings and conferences to come up with better ideas to promote and provide health care, simultaneously learning new things. Sometimes, they may think they know almost everything about healthcare, but when the world is constantly evolving, healthcare would constantly be changing too. Attending meetings, promoting health care, learning and then bringing all those knowledge back to patients and nurses is what keeps patient care great. The role of the master’s prepared nurse provides not just hands on patient care, but they are also prepared to expand their knowledge and pass it on to future nursing candidates to continue to deliver the best quality
The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one’s practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse’s level of education can become a critical factor to the patient-centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting.
Furthermore, licensing and accreditation standards must be heightened to insure the quality of the nurses that enter the workforce. Certifying organizations must therefore mandate the proper demonstration of core competencies and skills prior to endowing students with the nursing title. The nursing profession, according to the IOM report, must undergo fundamental changes within the overall education of nurses. In many respects the basic
trying to obtain a license vary by state. If students have any issues they would have to
With a consistent change in modernizing medicine, along with the continuing advancement in technology, continuing education in nursing is essential for a variety of reasons. The nurse’s main concern is providing safe, efficient, and effective patient care with positive patient outcomes. This paper will examine the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at an associate-degree level versus a baccalaureate-degree level, in order to provide an evidenced-based understanding of the variation in the educational preparation of nurses.
My career objectives are to advance my nursing career through professional development of self by engaging in long life learning through continuing education in graduate school. Also, to assume leadership role in the use of evidence based research in healthy public policy and contribute to population health. Nursing is a field that keeps unfolding and requires updated knowledge to provide quality care, meet the professional requirements and challenges. Hence, long life learning would increase my professional values and competencies required to deliver quality care to diverse population. As a Public Health Nurse, by pursing Masters in Nursing, I will be able to build on my capacity to enhance and advance the field of nursing as a science.
As a brand new nurse coming out of nursing school, you may be thinking that you have completed your education and that you are ready to start practicing as a Registered Nurse. As a new professional this is partially correct, but you still have many years of continuing education. There are two different aspects of continuing education for a nurse: advanced educational programs or specific continuing education courses. Throughout this discussion I will be focusing on the importance of continuing education for nurses. The American Nurses Association defines continuing education (CE) as “learning activities designed to augment the knowledge, skill and attitudes of nurses and therefore enrich the nurses’ contributions to quality healthcare” (as cited in Schaeffer, 2015, p. 13). Continuing education courses are not only important for the individual nurses competences and professionalism, but it is also important in regards to the care delivered to patients and the patient outcomes. Throughout this discussion I will explain the importance of CE, how it is beneficial to the nurse, and how it effects the patients we are giving care to.