
Critiquing Qualitative Research In Statistics

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Given the types of variables completed in part one, the discussion in this part is about a researcher studying lifespan who categorizes individuals into single, married, divorced or even widowed. The type of variable measurement in this study is nomial variable. According to the previous discussion, this variable is termed to be nomial since someone cannot say that being in one of the conditions stated in the measurement is better than the other. The formulated question according to the variable is that how data can be collected to know how many people are caught up in this situation in a given community. Given the situation above, any research done in the community to determine the scope of the singles, married, divorced and widowed, using …show more content…

Any statistician can handle the questionnaire methodology and apply it to the research of the widows, divorced, married and widowed people in the certain community. After the questionnaire method of collection of data, the statistician should analyze the data collected which is clearly the answers given by the participants. After analyzing the data collected in the study, describing the whole data into an analysis is the best answer to the question; how many people in a certain community have been married, divorced, widowed and single and for how long. Therefore using questionnaire methodology any statistician can get the correct data concerning the nomial variable measurement (Oh, 2007).
Part three
In the act of measuring a qualitative versus a quantitative analysis concerning a medical practitioner who wants to see how his or her patients diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are coping with time. There is a difference in the two methodologies which any statistician should understand before starting any kind of analysis (Oh, 2007).
• Qualitative deals with understanding of human behavior based on informants perspective while quantitative deals with the discovering of facts about a social …show more content…

Events concerning the patients diagnosed with the stress disorder can be well calculated through a data recording system by the medical practitioner to clearly get the answer as to how his or her patients are coping with the stress disorder. In terms of the qualitative analysis of the patients, the kind of methodology to be adopted by the physician will be collecting of information from the patients directly. Using a questionnaire type of methodology, the patients will be able to answer the physician about they are feeling so far (Taylor,

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