
Difference Between Formal And Informal Communication

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YFormal and Informal Communications
A distinction needs to be made between formal and informal communications. Formal communication implies that a record is kept, that what has been said or written can be attributed to its originator.
In general, written communications are formal.
Oral (spoken) communication consists of direct or transmitted speech between two or more people. Oral communications are more likely to be misinterpreted than written ones, were regarded as informal but are now often recorded and treated as formal. Missing from such recordings is the body language consisting of facial expressions and gestures. Consider an informal chat by telephone getting comments on matters of joint concern before producing a final report. Important …show more content…

• Ideas: A thought to be presented as a suggestion.
• Opinion: The view somebody takes about a certain issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgement.
These can be obtained from a conversation by asking who, what, when, why and how questions. During a conversation we need to check the following to convey the correct meaning and information:

Intonation Intonation is the rising or falling pitch of the voice when somebody says a word or syllable, or the rising and falling pattern of speech generally
Volume Volume is the acoustics / the loudness of a sound during speech.
Rhythm Rhythm is the language and the pattern of sound that characterises a language, dialect, or accent.
Pitch Pitch: how high or low a person’s voice is during a conversation
Repetition Repetition: something that is repeated, often unnecessary words
Support Support: Giving an idea in a conversation that the other party has your support or agreement

Speaker’s Influence on the audience
A speaker can influence readers by the following:
1. Choice of words, language usage, symbols, pictures and tone: The basic language a speaker uses can convince or catch the interest of the

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