
Distillation Process Analysis

Decent Essays

Hello and happy Friday! I missed you last week but felt it was important to participate in the J20ArtStrike against the inauguration of whatshisname. There was no art made or blog posted on January 20th as I took to the streets in protest. I urge you to keep marching, calling, writing, signing, and sharing in order to protect our democracy, but please do something nice for yourself too (read an art blog, for instance). We have a long way to go. This is an art blog, however so let's talk about art! Today marks the 27th day of the distillation process. It seems like just yesterday that I made my first six papers in the process. However, there are now 156 black, white and ochre papers stacked up high on my studio table that tells me otherwise. The papers crackle as I stack and smooth them at the beginning of each day. The process begins as I take down the previous days finished papers and put them in the stack before I begin again. I tape one paper on my painting wall, work on it until completion and then move it to the side and back wall to dry. Each day the walls get covered with six more wet and almost tattered papers. The thin paper dries and warps at the edges, it folds, gathers, and at times looks like fabric from the paint water. The left behind tape on the corners and at times hidden under a layer of paint to cover tears and rips in the paper hints at the process. I love …show more content…

The distillation process developed from a deep need to satisfy something within me. I needed a challenge and a mystery, and that's what I got. Just in the past week, working in this way has taken me to a place I haven't been in almost 8 years. The interlocking shapes are fading and the whole paper is being worked. An atmospheric dark beauty that seems to undulate from just under the surface has now arrived. Sometimes a few dark lines really are enough to please me, why add anything

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