
Diversity Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

When it comes to diversity, I am certain that I relate to most of its aspects. I was born in Cameroon, a developing country in Africa. Migrating to The United States exposed me to not just gender diversity, but also to racial, cultural, and religious diversity. I moved to The United States in 2015 at age 15 and started community college at age 16. At the time, I did not view myself as unmindful, but I was speculating how my life was going to be like in class. The environment was new to me, I wasn’t sure of how things are done here, but that did not bother me at all. I had been watching on the news that America welcomes everyone, hence I did not feel uncomfortable being different or having an accent that people didn’t understand. In the United States, diversity is certainly important as people from different parts of the world reside here. A few years back, I was used to being in a classroom with students who had a common race, age group, and for most cases a common language as myself. However, when I moved to The United States, I started attending classes that had only myself with a different race. This wasn’t a challenge at the beginning because I was trained with the doctrine that people are equal. As time passed by, I realized that although I had that mentality, not everyone around me agreed with me. Like the saying goes, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions,” which is why some people can be biased about racial diversity. While at Wayne County Community College

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