As a coach I would prepare for the meeting by taking a self-evaluation (self-talk) to see if any of my action provoked my players’ behavior. Next I would play back (in my head) the events of the incident to see what caused his behavior. I would also use the sandwich approach. I would start off with a positive statement about my player and his abilities. Then give him corrective criticism, to allow him to see that I see his overall potential. I would try and understand his position and listen to what he is saying is the root of the incident. I would make sure that I speak as effectively as possible so my player can understand where I’m coming from. I will use effective mediation strategies to make sure he understood I am not attaching …show more content…
I believe being aware of my body language will help defuse some emotional distress that my player may still be feeling. I must remember not to have contradicting body language because negative or inconsistent body language can create a defensive atmosphere and this is something I want to avoid. I believe being aware of my body language will help defuse some emotional distress that my player may still be feeling. I want my body language and verbal communication to complement each other. I don’t want this conversation to have a negative impact on my player because he may lose his confidence because he was expressive or he may not want to talk with my again because he may believe I’m unapproachable. I have to communicate what I interpret his action to represent at the time of the incident. Again, I need to inform him that this meeting is solely to rectify his behavior so an incident such as this will not happen again.
I would ask my player once I had my private meeting with him to talk to me about the encounter and explain why the encounter occurred and why he reacted as he did. Next I would focus on the part I played in this event, if any. If any issues about my demeanor drove him to storm off, I would think of better ways to conduct myself to decrease confrontation between myself and my players’ I would give my player all the time to express to me his
I also believe when communicating you should let your players now that you’re always there for them and they can come to you with whatever they need. You need to let your players know that you are here to motivate them not tear them down. We are here to motivate our players to be the best young men they can be on and off the field. If they act out of line then they will be disciplined. We do not do these things just to do it; they all have a purpose to them. They may not realize it at the moment, but in the long run when they become coaches they
Being able to talk to the players will ensure a good relationship with you and help you not want to kill them all of the time. Communicating with the players guardians will help you get to know the players better as well. Whether you play “Good Cop” or “Bad Cop”: “You can’t have all your coaches be the intense coach”(Kelsey Jones). If you are the intense coach, do your job and tell the player what they did wrong and let the less intense coach calm them down. All coaches need to be approachable.
When someone is first introduced to coaching it is important that the coach gives an overview of the coaching process and the role of a coach within this. It is important to set the ground rules and all both parties to meet expectations set.
2. Hold a meeting among all team members and coaches to communicate honestly and openly in order to find and solve the problems especially
That is why body language and facial expressions can be very important when it comes to demonstrative communication. An example of body language that can be misunderstood would be when two people are talking and one person has their arms folded across their chest. This can be perceived as the person not listening or being considered overprotective of themselves and will not take criticism lightly. The person with the folded arms could just be cold or it is a learned gesture from their parents and that is how they listen. This is why many people would agree that demonstrative communication should not only have the nonverbal but also the verbal to go along with it so that people do not have any misunderstandings and the issue can be handled properly. According to Sutton, a person cannot fully deliver the anecdote of the day to anyone lacking words, except if the person can mime the entire tale (Sutton, 2011). Even if the person is able to mime they cannot express the entire issue perfectly. There has to be some degree of distance. This type of communication cannot always be expressed perfectly. An example of this would be that a person cannot convey the nonverbal communication over the phone and the person on the other end only has the verbal part of the communication and might take something the wrong way because they are not able to see the nonverbal part of the communication and that is where misunderstandings come in.
Everyday we ask ourselves, “Did I make the right decision?” Whether it is in regards to family, friends or co-workers we constantly do self assessments. Self-assessment is defined as a process through which individuals gain knowledge about themselves. This includes information about their likes and dislikes as well as their reactions to specific situations. By knowing more about themselves, individuals can be able to determine the work situations and occupations that are most appropriate for them. There are several lessons that can be learnt from self-assessment in relation to individual decision making. This research paper will examine reveal the lesions learned from self assessment. We will observe of the influence of the American
Self-Awareness, self-concept and emotional intelligence are effective managerial concepts that will result in leadership success. According to Stanford University, having these soft skills are indispensable traits that good managers should develop to be successful leaders. Managers strive to become aware of who they are, what their values, attitudes, skills, and abilities are. These values drive them to achieve and will eventually result in them become more effective. (Showry & Manasa, 2014, p. 15)
The scenario at hand is riddled with emotions and is hence sensitive and complex. Having been absent from the situation responsible for athlete conflict, walking into this coaching role without consideration for ones’ actions and the emotional reactions they would incite could potentially be detrimental (eg: further conflict, damaged relationships). As such, this situation needs to be mapped out and dissected for analysis. Application of the Multidimensional Model (Chelladurai & Saleh 1978) most appropriately addresses this, allowing complex situations to be broken down into three domains: antecedents, coach behaviour, and the resulting consequences. Each of these are then comprised of several subdomains; antecedents considers the characteristics of the coach, the players and the situation presiding over them;
Before coming to negotiation work shop I strongly believed that it is not easy to get achieve Win-Win or Win loss results at every negotiation. That’s made me more excited to attend this work shop. In my personal life, people around me believe me that I am a good negotiator/ buyer as “buying research “ is my routine activity. I have been successful most of the time in negotiating good deal for the things I buy in my personal life.
The crucial thing to resolve issues with inappropriate interpersonal communication and prevent the negative outcome is to keep an open mind and stay focused. Active listening will allow recognising the speaker’s attitude and understanding his /her point of view. The response should contain empathy and be deprived of any bias or prejudice. In case of major difficulties in trying to resolve the issue, it is recommended to get an advice from a higher source. Various different technics have been proposed and developed to overcome communication barriers such as SOLER technique, British Sign Language, or simply using diagrams and pictures.
For this speech I choose to have my topic be something I have a strong personal connection to which was Rave culture, its history and practices. Choosing this to be my topic of choice I was able to be motivated in researching it and I believe my genuine interest in the topic showed in my presentation. In this self-eval I will be discussing the structure and style along with what I am taking away from this speech.
The results of my self assessment were pretty accurate to what I know about myself. I have strong intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. I maintain strong relationships with others and think deeply about my life choices, goals, and ambitions. The only score that I thought would be higher was my musical score. I can play a musical instrument and I enjoy listening to music, but I don’t like to sing or play for others. Thinking back to my childhood, I was a linguistic learner. I followed directions well, if someone modeled how to do something, I could follow it and explain it back. I liked talking with someone personally to understand different concepts. The older I got, I was able to adapt to how my teachers’ taught. I had one teacher who loved using bodily-kinesthetic activities, I had other teachers who loved to sing and use logical-mathematical thinking. If I didn’t adjust to their styles of teaching, I wouldn’t have been successful in their class. I believe learning patterns can be altered because my learning pattern was altered. I’ve learned many different things from teachers who have different teaching styles. Teaching is an art and all teachers should use different teaching styles. Having a wide variety of teachers with different teaching styles made me a well rounded learner.
Listening is a skill that requires active, rather than passive, participation to advance shared understanding and minimise misinterpretation. Lang, Floyd and Beine (2000) describe active listening as a skill that ‘focuses on attending to patients’ clues, ie, utterances and/or behaviors that are not explicit but may have special meaning and suggest unshared ideas, concerns, and expectations’. This essay will discuss how active listening strategies such as analysing and displaying non-verbal body language, clarifying meaning and accuracy, expressing understanding for the speaker’s feelings through empathy and silence contribute to effective communication by encouraging the speaker to convey his or her thoughts, building trust and
As a physical therapy student, many peers have asked why I chose to minor in psychology rather than taking a simple course in human performance and fitness or biology. Taking this course, I am confident in my minor decision and realize the importance of mastering and utilizing effective communication, genuine listening, and authentic presence, especially in a physical therapy setting. Several counseling theories were presented over the course of the semester looking at their basic philosophies, the relationship between client and therapist, and key components to effective treatment. There were three theories in particular, Adlerian therapy, existential therapy, and rational emotive behavior therapy, which I found to really resonate with my beliefs, values, and experiences. By integrating these three theories together, using the common factors approach, I was able to identify similar core beliefs and principles in each to create my final theory of change.
The most challenging times for me were those when we would be losing and all the players would get angry with one another. This was especially apparent when one of the defenders on our team would make a mistake and allow the other team to score. Many players would then yell at him creating a negative attitude both toward themselves and the player. At that time, even though I was actually angry myself, I would both stop the other players from yelling and offer encouragement to the one who had made the mistake. For the most part, I would simply offer some advice by pointing out what he had done wrong and told him how to do it right the next time. Thereby, I would always keep a very positive attitude and told the players that they were doing well, but they just had to do it better next time. I know that the way I approached the problem helped maintain a positive attitude among all the players. This approach led to the team playing better and winning more.