
Effective Mediation Strategies For Taking A Self Evaluation ( Self Talk )

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As a coach I would prepare for the meeting by taking a self-evaluation (self-talk) to see if any of my action provoked my players’ behavior. Next I would play back (in my head) the events of the incident to see what caused his behavior. I would also use the sandwich approach. I would start off with a positive statement about my player and his abilities. Then give him corrective criticism, to allow him to see that I see his overall potential. I would try and understand his position and listen to what he is saying is the root of the incident. I would make sure that I speak as effectively as possible so my player can understand where I’m coming from. I will use effective mediation strategies to make sure he understood I am not attaching …show more content…

I believe being aware of my body language will help defuse some emotional distress that my player may still be feeling. I must remember not to have contradicting body language because negative or inconsistent body language can create a defensive atmosphere and this is something I want to avoid. I believe being aware of my body language will help defuse some emotional distress that my player may still be feeling. I want my body language and verbal communication to complement each other. I don’t want this conversation to have a negative impact on my player because he may lose his confidence because he was expressive or he may not want to talk with my again because he may believe I’m unapproachable. I have to communicate what I interpret his action to represent at the time of the incident. Again, I need to inform him that this meeting is solely to rectify his behavior so an incident such as this will not happen again.
I would ask my player once I had my private meeting with him to talk to me about the encounter and explain why the encounter occurred and why he reacted as he did. Next I would focus on the part I played in this event, if any. If any issues about my demeanor drove him to storm off, I would think of better ways to conduct myself to decrease confrontation between myself and my players’ I would give my player all the time to express to me his

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