
Elion : A Short Story

Decent Essays

There it is again, I think I'll follow it.’ The peculiar noise lead her to one of the houses touching the horizon, much to her surprise, Luxord was there sitting at a table along with a man in a top hat and a brown hare.

“Luxord!” Xion bent down as she was too big and tall for them while standing up. “Wait-what're you doing?”

Tea and poker,” He answered, then added, “Care to join us?”


“Yes, the tea we have is quite lovely, I'll pour you a cup since you asked!” The March hare poured the tea onto the poker table, despite that, the liquid was still able to take form of a tea cup.

“What goes better with one cup of tea, than two?” The mad hatter grabbed one of the many tea kettles, threw out the mouse that was inside, then …show more content…

‘Finding heartless is relatively easy, but how do you find…a nobody…’

“Oh...I'm so very extremely late!” The same white rabbit that lead her out of the forest was once again scurrying down the road.

Xion naturally followed the white rabbit and made sure not to lose sight of it. The rabbit lead her into a beautiful rose garden with what appeared to be a courtroom in the center, Xion looked around, unsure what to make of the situation.

‘This place is empty too, I wonder why?’ She picked up a strangely colored rose that looked as if the red color was an unfinished paint job. ‘Someone was definitely here.’

“—hey you!”

“Hm?” She looked down and saw the white rabbit angrily twitching its nose at her. “Do you need something?"

“You must be the one who stole the Queen of Hearts, tell me where she is or else!” He yelled.

Xion smiled, unwavered by the threats of a cute rabbit. “Sorry, I have no idea where your queen is, but maybe we can look for her together.”

“Yes, I suppose that's more sensible.” He tapped his foot. “Where do you think she's run off to?”

“Beats me, let's go back to the forest and ask Mister Cheshire Cat, he seems to know a lot…”

Abruptly, a claw grabbed the white rabbit and he turned into a playing card right before her eyes. Instinctively, Xion summoned her keyblade. “W-what was that?! Come out if you’re hiding...or else!”

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