
Employee Engagement And Its Effect On Job Performance Essay

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supervisor, effort above and beyond the minimum, understanding the link between one’s job and the organization’s mission, prospects for future growth with one’s employer and intention to stay with one’s employer (Vance, 2006). The greater an employee’s engagement, the more likely they will work above expectations and excellent job performance (Vance, 2006). Predictors of employee engagement are satisfaction with leadership, employee development, communication and innovation (Persson, 2010). Job demands and job resources foster contradictory psychological processes, one connecting to burnout and the other to employee engagement (Persson, 2010). Burnout is a process that occurs when job demands causes weakening of health and depleted energy as the negative outcome (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Persson, 2010). Employee engagement develops from a motivational process dependent on job resources (Persson, 2010). The Intrinsic and extrinsic reasons that motive employees are feeling of belonging, competency, autonomy, financial compensation and benefits. These reasons are shown to enhance employee engagement, whereas the absence will weaken engagement and result in frustration and failure to achieve company objectives (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Persson, 2010). Bakker, Demerouti, and Euwema, (2005), found in a study of higher education employees that job demands such as high work pressure, emotional demands and role vagueness may lead to sleeping problems, exhaustion and health issues.

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