
End-Of-Year Summative Review

Decent Essays

Good Afternoon I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s about time to wrap up the year, which means that we have to prepare for and scheduled our summative evaluation conferences. At this point, with the exception of Anne-Marie Szerejko and Kristin Novak, I have completed the required three informal observations or one formal observation depending on which cycle you’re in. Please double-check your portfolio in EdReflect to make sure that I am accurate. In addition to the observations I have already conducted, I am willing to conduct an additional formal or informal observation. While not required, please email me if you would like me to conduct an additional observation. We need to do few things in order to prepare for the summative conference: …show more content…

End-of-Year Summative Review (on or before the last teacher day): Teacher self-assessment – (the submission of which is due to the evaluator five (5) working days prior to the end-of-year conference). The teacher reviews and reflects on all information and data collected during the year related to the goals and completes a self-assessment for review by the evaluator. This self-assessment may focus specifically on the areas for development, referencing the Connecticut Common Core of Teaching (CCT) Rubric for Effective Teaching (2014), the Common Core of Teaching Rubric for Service Delivery (2015) and established in the goal-setting conference. a. The self-assessment should address all components of the evaluation plan and include what the teacher learned throughout the year supported by evidence and personal reflection. The self-assessment should also include a statement that identifies a possible future direction that is related to the year’s outcomes. b. End-of-year conference - The evaluator and the teacher meet to discuss all evidence collected to date. The teacher and evaluator will discuss the extent to which students met the SMART goals and how the teacher’s performance and practice focus contributed to student outcomes and professional growth. Following the conference, the evaluator assigns a summative rating and generates a summary report of the evaluation before the end of the school

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