
Endocytotic Inhibition Lab Report

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Figure 7 shows how endocytosis inhibition blocked ALN- induced bone formation in vivo. To examine if endocytotic inhibition affected the ALN-induced bone formation in vivo, DC was added to the ALN solution and put the extracted teeth in the solution and then replanted them. More bone tissue observed in ALN-treated tissue than in PBS-treated tissue on day 7. Adding DC to the ALN solution drastically reduce the ALN-induced increase in ALP-positive cell ratios and the ALN-induced decrease of attached TRAP-positive cells. Part A is a hematoxylin and eosin staining of the mesial and distal root. Part B is bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) between the mesial and distal roots of replanted teeth was determined. Part C is ALP staining, the image taken …show more content…

This inhibition at low concentrations prevented bone denigration and kept a healthy proliferation rate of bone cells. This process was tracked with F-ALN to demonstrate that ALN was taken into cells from cell surface into bone marrows in the replanted teeth and into osteoblastic cells in vitro. Local ALN treatment enhanced the growth of bone forming cells adjacent to the bone surfaces in the in vivo model. Results were consistently affirming that N-BPs can directly affect the osteoblast growth and proliferation. This study found that 3 day treatment using rat osteoblastic cells with ALN at an early differentiation stage induced upregulation of osteocalcin expression and mineralization and a later differentiation stage. Treatment with high ALN concentrations caused harmful effects with decreased cell viability and inhibition of cell differentiation. Bone formation may be mediated directly by incorporation of ALN through inhibition of mevalonate pathway. N-BP’s have been used to treat systemic bone metabolic disorders. The local application of N-BP’s/ALN can be useful for local bone augmentation. Local delivery may also be a reasonable approach to reduce amount of drug used and target site of interest avoiding systemic exposure and harmful side effects. Another promising use for ALN is clinical use on dental implants coated with

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