
The Rise And Fall Of Oh's Room

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front office and filled in all those gaps left by his coworkers. Highly intelligent and understanding the computer systems inside and out, he ran the show. If Smiles attitude couldn't take care of a problem, Oh would appeal to the intellect and bring the situation to a close. Oh could well have become a politician. A few situations defined his complexity showing the good the bad and the ugly of Oh. During a visit one of the customers’ cars was broken into. The only items taken were a little patron’s hockey equipment, as the family had come from far away for a tournament. Oh, totally empathetic with the customer, apologized profusely for the terrible incident and requested the police take all the information for insurance purposes. …show more content…

A few weeks later the corporate auditor visited the hotel to check out the controls. Oh, pointed out that there appeared to be a glitch in the credit card transmittal system, which allowed any agent to credit any credit card without it being offset. The auditor claimed this was impossible and not to be concerned with the balancing of the hotel. Subsequently, Oh would on occasion credit a co-workers credit card, including Japes, to see if the erroneous credit would be discovered. Japes, astonished that the credit went through and that the hotel was not out of balance, again, telephoned the corporate auditor, only to be told, “ Do not be concerned”. Nonetheless, Japes asked Oh to end this practice, and to this day it remains a real head scratcher. Baby, the first true food and beverage director the hotel employed in many years, hailed from the Midland Region, always smiling with impeccable taste in her attire. She managed to put out the best special occasion banquets and unique events that the hotel had ever seen. Her Easter brunches were undoubtedly the best the area and perhaps even the city. The hotel purchased a life-size replica of Bugs Bunny and a number of other cartoon characters. There was even an exact replica of batman worn by one of the maintenance men. Children from miles away begged their parents to take them to the Easter brunch to see all the characters. It evolved into an exceptional success not only

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