
Essay On Osteosarcoma

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Sore All Over
Imagine if every time your knee was sore, or your arm was sore, you had to go see the doctors. This commonly happens to children, and adults who are diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. Since Osteosarcoma is a bone tumor/cancer, the symptoms and treatment have an impact on everyday life.

Osteosarcoma is a very serious and dangerous bone cancer. Osteosarcoma patients don’t really feel sick, but they do limp more than usual because there knee/arm is heavier and hurts a lot. The bones also start to swell and get bigger which is the main cause of the limping. Most people think that this is just “growing pains” but as they get older they get worse and the pains hurt more. With Osteosarcoma, there is also limitation to movement because of the tumor. There is a lot of bad thing that come with Osteosarcoma, but there is some ways to discover and help get rid of the tumor. Osteosarcoma …show more content…

Osteosarcoma patients don’t really feel sick, but they do limp more than usual because there knee/arm is heavier and hurts a lot. The bones also start to swell and get bigger which also causes the limping to happen. Most people think that this is just “growing pains” but as they get older they get worse and the pains hurt more. With Osteosarcoma, there is also limitation to movement because of the tumor. There is a lot of bad thing that come with Osteosarcoma, but there is some ways to discover and help get rid of the tumor. Osteosarcoma is usually found out by x-ray machines. They use the x-ray to scan the tumor and to make sure that it is Osteosarcoma, or if it is another type of bone cancer. Usually once they find out about the tumor they will do a biopsy. There are two different kinds of biopsies, a needle aspiration and a surgical biopsy. Whichever they choose may change the outcome of the surgery. Now knowing that there are many bad and good things that can happen there is still one more thing to learn about. Daily

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