
Exit Through The Gift Shop: Video Analysis

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Creativity is by far one of the best tool our mind can possess but when it comes to us developing our own “original idea” I think it is impossible to take full credibility for it. I believe there is no such thing as an original idea because all ideas are based off of another idea, if anything all ideas are previously owned or thought of and could be considered as plagiarism. In the documentary “Exit through the Gift Shop” it starts off by showing Thierry Guetta, a man who owns his own thrift shop and also considers himself a filmmaker. Recording everything from the people walking into his thrift shop to the sales he is making. Thierry was an amateur and love to record pretty much anything that was in his way. Thierry first got introduced to …show more content…

In the video “Everything Is a Remix” it shows the audience that there is no such thing as an “original idea” that everything is a remix hence the title of the video. An idea always comes from a previous idea that one had already thought of. In the video it gives us small snippets of films like “Star Wars”, “Kill Bill” etc. Quentin Tarantino’s film “Kill Bill” was known to almost be a mash-up of a ton of different movies like “The Searchers” (1956), “Gone in 60 seconds” (1974), “Game of death” (1978), “Sanjuro” (1962), “Black Sunday” (1977), “They call her one eye” (1974), “twisted nerve” (1968), and many other films. Quentin’s film “Kill Bill” has multiple identical scenes of the movies previously listed. At the end of his film he doesn’t credit any of the other movie directors as if the idea of the movie was all him. Another example is the non-ending fight between Apple and Android. Steve Jobs creator and founder of Apple Inc. stated “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.” and “I don’t want your money. If you offer me $5 billion, I won’t want it. I’ve got plenty of money. I want you to stop using our ideas in Android, that’s all I want.” Android claims it is all their own ideas and get all the money and the hype. Android has a lot of similar applications, widgets, phone, and computer appliances that apple came up with first but won’t admit it or give credit where it is

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