Creativity is by far one of the best tool our mind can possess but when it comes to us developing our own “original idea” I think it is impossible to take full credibility for it. I believe there is no such thing as an original idea because all ideas are based off of another idea, if anything all ideas are previously owned or thought of and could be considered as plagiarism. In the documentary “Exit through the Gift Shop” it starts off by showing Thierry Guetta, a man who owns his own thrift shop and also considers himself a filmmaker. Recording everything from the people walking into his thrift shop to the sales he is making. Thierry was an amateur and love to record pretty much anything that was in his way. Thierry first got introduced to …show more content…
In the video “Everything Is a Remix” it shows the audience that there is no such thing as an “original idea” that everything is a remix hence the title of the video. An idea always comes from a previous idea that one had already thought of. In the video it gives us small snippets of films like “Star Wars”, “Kill Bill” etc. Quentin Tarantino’s film “Kill Bill” was known to almost be a mash-up of a ton of different movies like “The Searchers” (1956), “Gone in 60 seconds” (1974), “Game of death” (1978), “Sanjuro” (1962), “Black Sunday” (1977), “They call her one eye” (1974), “twisted nerve” (1968), and many other films. Quentin’s film “Kill Bill” has multiple identical scenes of the movies previously listed. At the end of his film he doesn’t credit any of the other movie directors as if the idea of the movie was all him. Another example is the non-ending fight between Apple and Android. Steve Jobs creator and founder of Apple Inc. stated “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.” and “I don’t want your money. If you offer me $5 billion, I won’t want it. I’ve got plenty of money. I want you to stop using our ideas in Android, that’s all I want.” Android claims it is all their own ideas and get all the money and the hype. Android has a lot of similar applications, widgets, phone, and computer appliances that apple came up with first but won’t admit it or give credit where it is
(After noting that electricity passing through a conductor produces a glowing red or white heat, Edison imagined using this light for pratical uses. )
What are creativity, innovation, and design, and how are these concepts important to meeting the objectives of an organization? To understand these concepts they must first be defined. Webster’s dictionary ( defines creativity as the “Ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic objects or form. The term generally refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking. Psychological studies of highly creative people have shown that many have a strong interest in apparent disorder, contradiction, and imbalance, which seem to be perceived as challenges. Such individuals may possess an
Exit Through the Gift Shop is critical of how our culture values and judges artwork because of the degree to which expectations and others’ beliefs manipulate our interpretations of reality. The documentary demonstrates this phenomenon concerning art, but it also applies to all subjective experiences. Through Thierry’s opening gallery Life is Beautiful, Exit Through the Gift Shop shows how expectations and conformity manipulate our experiences.
With this section of the novel concluding, the audience has an invested a substantial amount of hope in the possibility of scrooge altering his miserable ways. Evidenced here ‘"No. I should like to be able to say a word or two to my clerk just now! That 's all." Showing the audience that Scrooge is starting to comprehend all the lives he has affected negatively.
With that being said, people are afraid of being original, simply because they’re scared of the consequences, and others, just can’t afford to be original in the first place.
The film, Exit through the Gift Shop, describes the story of Thierry Guetta and how he became a somewhat famous “artist.” Thierry is a guy who loves to film anything and everything that he can. One of the reasons he loves to record things is because as a child his mother had gotten sick and died, and Thierry was kept in the dark about her condition. His mother had died without Thierry knowing she was going to die or even that she was sick. Because of this, Thierry thought that it was important to film everything because he didn’t want to miss out on anything else in his life or in his family’s life.
Exit Through the Gift Shop is a documentary film in my opinion, he expresses a very interesting story about an immigrant called Thierry Guetta. Artist named Bansky made this film of Thierry so he could stay unanimous. Thierry Guetta tells most of his story in the documentary. An artist by the name of Ron English verified that Guetta was the exact same as in the documentary which shutting down the rumors the documentary was fiction.
Capturing a culture or movement in a limited frame such as an anthropology or documentary is inherently difficult; the task involves portraying the beauties, flaws, nuances, and relevancies of an often under-appreciated movement in a finite amount of space. A documentary, already tasked with capturing the intricacies of a movement, also requires capturing this spirit in a neutral, fact-oriented, honest, yet still entertaining fashion. Banksy’s Exit Through the Gift Shop is widely considered an example of a successful documentary on street art due to its interview-based style and celebrity street-artist director. However, Banksy’s Exit Through the Gift Shop fails as a documentary because of the film’s biases and inconsistencies; because
The Banksy, triumphed multi-award, and 2010 Sundance Film Festival winning documentary, “Exit through the Gift Shop” gives an interesting insight of the underground and unknown world of street art and viewing societies understanding of modern art. The documentary trails the life of a curious French immigrant Terry Guetta, who has a passion for filming everything in sight from his family to local street artists. Following these street artists such as Shepherd Fairey and eventually Banksy himself around for most his time, he developed an interest in the art scene. As a full time accomplice, Terry Guetta later develops into this premature artist by using and being inspired by the famous art of others. The documentary early on sparks the questions of what is art and who poses the authority to define good art?
A handheld camera is used by Thierry Guetta throughout the course of the film. He uses the handheld camera to capture the street art that he sees. Thierry Guetta shows great enthusiasm and interest in the street art. He tells Shepard Fairy that he intends to use the footage from is camera to create a documentary about street art. They both travel together through the United States, and they start filming other people who are street artists.
Exit Through the Gift Shop is a 2010 movie focuses on the story of the street artists; Banksy an infamous graffiti artist, and Thierry Guetta a Frenchman filmmaker based in Los Angeles. After watching the movie twice it gave me more doubts if what really the film is and question the authenticity of the movie that leads to decision to believe that Exit Through the Gift Shop is NOT a documentary instead it is a mockumentary. Why? Because of these three reasons; the story is misleading, Mr. Brainwash is fake, and lastly Banksy wants to mock the world only by making the movie with his purpose. In the beginning of the movie, it tackles about the story of all the street artists, it brought me to believe that the whole movie will centered the idea of how street artist developed skills, but shifted to the life of Thierry’s early success in art and become an overnight sensation, a ridiculous, eccentric and clumsiness, lack of artistic talent
Our assignment is to create and promote an innovative product. In developing a new product, we started with an idea generation. This is a systematic search for new-product ideas. Companies go through many ideas before they come to find some good ones. We had to do the same thing. We thought of many ideas on our own. It was more of an internal idea source as opposed to going outside of our partnership for ideas. Our first idea was a restaurant with half of it an actual restaurant and the other half an automobile tuner shop. The next idea was a new energy drink that would be less costly and better tasting. Our next idea came up when we were sitting
It is very difficult to answer "is remixing music innovation or theft?" because in some cases, remixing music is truly innovative and in other cases, it is just theft. All music is somewhat remixed, it can be as obvious as just ripping a beat off a song and calling it yours, or it can be as complex as just pulling a two second interval from some reggae song that was created in the 1970's. Now cases like these are why I find it hard to just say "remixing music is innovation" or "remixing music is theft". Lastly i'm going to give an example of two producers I respect very much, but one of them is innovative and the other often just rips instrumentals and or beats from other artists. The first producer I will talk about is "El-P"and the second
1. Idea Generation: Idea generation is the actual development of ideas that can become products or services. Either competitors, employees, suppliers, or customers can be the generators of these ideas. Idea generation is the first step in the offered get development process and is often the least costly financially speaking.
In the beginning lectures, I had no idea that brainstorming and conceptualizing an idea was part of an elaborate process to generate good product ideas. Great inspiration and a creative idea require deep thinking. I have learned that opportunity identification involves looking into the problems first rather than diving