
Family Acceptance And The Health Of Lgbt Young Adults

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Razeeyeh Isfahanizadeh. PSY 230- Spring 2016- PAPER ASSIGNMENT, REVIEW OF ARTICLE #1 Article.
Ryan, C., Russell, S., Hueber, D., Diaz, R., and Sanchez, J. (2010).
Family Acceptance in Adolescence and the Health of LGBT Young Adults, 205- 213. Research Question. The main research question proposed in this study is; Does family acceptance and support have a positive impact on LGBT health, and can it protect against suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and other negative health outcomes? The hypothesis asserts that family support and acceptance can enhance positive health outcomes in LGBT adolescents and young adult and it can protect against negative health outcomes of LGBT adolescents and young adults. Sample. The general population of …show more content…

They were also given a survey which had items such as positive reactions to score. There were questions they needed to answer; such as: “How often did your parents talk openly about your sexual orientation?”
The dependent variable is the health outcome. If we look into self-esteem, they measured it with the 10-item Rosenberg self-esteem scale. For social support there was a list of 12 items in the survey including as an example: “There is a special person who is around when I am in need,” (1=strongly disagree, 5= strongly agree). For depression, they used the 20-item center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale to measure depression. Statistical Techniques. The researchers used different statistical techniques throughout the study (analysis of variance and regression). “First, they examined the associations between the measure of family acceptance and the background characteristics of study participants” (Ryan et al., 2010). They used one- way ANOVA for statistical differences across groups by presenting average scores for the three categories of family acceptance in order to reach the health outcome measures. For categorical measures, they presented proportions of the sample in each of the family acceptance categories (the differences were tested with chi-square). Research Results. If we look at the results of self-esteem, we can see those with low acceptance had less self-esteem (M= 2.62), moderate acceptance had a moderate self-esteem (M= 2.83), and

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