
GEA Exam Essay

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Q1. Explain how the corporate guided market mitigates the threat of under-consumption in the system of abundance. Introduction Corporate-guided markets for branded products - the general market form in the system of abundance is a new concept that revolves around increasing sales revenues. By looking at ways in which the corporate-guided market achieves this and considering the three broad economic subsystems: scarcity, sufficiency and abundance, a detailed explanation of how the corporate-guided market mitigates the threat of under-consumption in the system of abundance can be given. Content: Economic Subsystems: Scarcity, Sufficiency, Abundance Institution of Marketing: Product Branding Conclusion Economic Subsystems Scarcity, …show more content…

On the demand side, the corporation focuses on the ways in which it can seek sales maximisation of the branded product. The efforts of the corporation and the institution of marketing combined ensure effective consideration of the ways in which spending can be increased, simultaneously looking at how constraints in relation to spending can be relaxed. To do this, involvement with active persuaders is undertaken so that commercial messages can be produced; in line with the process of product branding, content and brand image are considered here. Conclusion The analysis undertaken highlights the corporate-guided market’s important role in the system of abundance. Cohesion with the institution of marketing is key to lessening the threat of under-consumption: the two concepts merge together sharing a common purpose: to prioritise higher spending habits in buyers. By working together, full advantage is taken of media outreaches to communicate these commercial messages and add emphasis to achieve this mutual objective. It is evident that the institution of marketing is an imperative economic building block in the structure of the system of abundance for the corporate-guided market. As the systems of scarcity and sufficiency show -

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