
Goon Squad Characters

Decent Essays

A Visit from The Goon Squad is such a complex novel. If we make a map of the characters of the novel, we will find out that there are so many characters which are related. Sasha can be classified as the main character after Bennie Salazar because she is in many chapters in the novel. From the perspective of the novel’s point of view, we will realize after reading the first three chapters of the novel that the novel is a non-linear narrative with various point of views in each chapter where the readers might get confused of the plot. In A Visit from the Goon Squad, Egan presents dynamic points of view in each chapter that lead to an unusual, yet helpful plot for the story which makes the character Sasha is seen differently in each chapter …show more content…

However, the main character is not Sasha anymore, it is Bennie Salazar, the person where Sasha works for as an assistant. Since Sasha is not the center of the chapter story, we would not really concern about Sasha. In the end of the story, however, we know the fact that Bennie actually has feeling towards Sasha.
”“Come on, Bennie,” Sasha chided lightly. . . Sasha’s fingers were trembly and cold. Her other hand was on the door. . . She turned to him, somber now. “There’s no way, Bennie,” she said. “We need each other.”“ (page 44).
From the story above, we might only know that Sasha does not feel the same way to Bennie, but we do not know the reason, not if Egan switches this chapter’s viewpoint to third person multiple. Jump up to chapter six where Sasha is in the chapter story. Her existence is not as strong as in the chapter one and weaker than in chapter two. It is because here she is only presented as only an assistant who is doing her job. The story mostly tells about the meeting of Scotty and Bennie after separated for years. Readers do not get much knowledge about Sasha’s characteristics here. She is just as good as what assistant should be, just like on the conversation in the beginning of page 109 in the …show more content…

Also, the story is beyond Sasha’s past experience when she was young adult. Though the story is mostly about Rob’s life, Sasha even has an important role in it. The next chapter is another great story, especially for us to learn about Sasha’s past. The story began “When Ted Hollander first agreed to travel to Naples in search of his missing niece,” (page 239) which is Sasha. By this chapter, we know from Ted, as he is the main character of the chapter that Sasha has grown up among her disappearance in Europe. Even though Sasha is not the center of the story, still we learn about her childhood memories, and how music and rebellion of youth caused her to escape to

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