
Gupta, President And Ceo Of Coca Cola India

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The main issues that Gupta’s focus should be on in regards to short term are the allegations from Center for Science and Environment (CSE) that threatens to tarnish the image of the company’s brand, and the survey result of the its consumers. Crisis is inescapable. When it does occur, for the most part, ones’ wish is for it to go away as fast as possible. While it is an uncomfortable dilemma; nonetheless one ought to have a plan in place to reconcile the issue. In this case study Gupta, president and CEO of Coca Cola India found himself in a crisis that could either conquer his company’s animation or redeem its success as the lead in India. According to Dolewski, the element of surprise should be incorporated into the role of managers due to the variation in the amount of a disaster warning. Bearing in mind Gupta had tactics in place in to dealing with desolations that results from crises, it will at least allow company managers to start from a resilient situation. The gift to identify short-term issues in crisis is an accomplishment but having a solution is an entirely different scenario. In addition to short-term snags, long-term problems consists of probable damage to Coke’s reputation. Given the company’s history in 1977, when it left India rather that reveal its formula to the government and reduce its equity stake as required under FERA, it is a intimidating task that is before this CEO. Another possible long-term issue could be if the allegations are false it might

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