I hope that you are right! I hope that things get better! I hope he is the one! We use this word hope so loosely but what does it really mean. Hope is expectation with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation. Though this is the formal definition, hope goes much deeper than what is on the surface. In the book, “Hope in the Age of Anxiety”, by Anthony Scioli and Henry Biller they proclaim that, ‘‘Hope is a very basic human strength without which we couldn’t stay alive” (25, 26). So you see hope is not only vital to our daily routine but to our existence as well. Hope is the unseen motivation to carry us through and keep us connected with day to day life. Which is evident in this quote also from Mr. Scioli and Mr. Biller, “we look for hope to sustain us, whenever and wherever we can” (18). For example …show more content…
You can focus on a goal and no matter what the opposition you believe that it can be completed. For example, there is a man named, Roger Clement, he is an African American. Mr. Clement goes to a four your college in North Carolina. Mr. Clement is striving to receive a Doctorate in psychology. Statistic shows that only 12% of students get a doctorate in psychology out of 100% that attempted, and only 2% are African American men. Nevertheless, Mr. Clement is hopeful even though the odds are against him, he has faith that he will succeed. Hope makes you feel that failure is not an option. Hope gives you the confidence you need to feel that anything is achievable. However, Hope needs the idea of failure to be effective. My belief is followed up by Stan Van Hooft’s quote, “People will fail to display the virtue of hope if they lack the confidence and hopefulness to embark on projects whose success cannot be guaranteed (136). The thing that makes hope so great is that failure is just as evident as hope is, however, most people look to choose hope to motivate them rather than
inspiration and optimism comes in to play. A person can find hope when thinking about the
Hope, the important word in our daily life, it keeps us walking, searching even exploring. It makes us loving and leads bright. In the story Fever 1793, by Laurie Halse Anderson. The author shows the strong word, hope. A girl named Mattie lived in the family coffee shop with her mother and grandfather during 1793.
In her article “The Arc of Justice and the Long Run” Rebecca Solnit refers to hope as, “a sense of the grand mystery of it all, the knowledge that we don’t know how it will turn out, that anything is possible.” (Solnit, P.9). Solnit’s definition reflects her attitude towards politics and social justice in that she realizes that not everything is in our control. Adding to the previous statement, we can only try our best to change things for the better because you can never know just how things will turn out. In the political arena, us as Americans can cast our vote to elect the person we see fit to take care of running our country and providing a safe place for our families. However, it was not always this way even in our country and worse so
In a world that is so unpredictable, sometimes there is nothing else that a person can do to make a situation better besides hoping for a good outcome. Hope can have a big impact on the way people view the world, and can potentially save lives. Hope is communicated in many ways, including a variety of art forms, such as literature. Some examples of literature that show how powerful having hope can be are the novel Soledad Brother by George Jackson, the short story Salvation by Langston Hughes, the short story Superheroes, Just for Each Other by Peter S. Goodman and the article Man Needs Hope to Live, by Christopher Kaczor. These literary works show that even the smallest bit of hope can help a person make wiser decisions regarding his or her future, but having no hope for the future leads people to make choices that are ethically wrong.
Hope is the thing that leads us in the right direction, like the light at the end of a tunnel. Being put through difficult situations, like going to a refugee camp and leaving on a boat with nowhere near enough supplies, is difficult, but hope is what then lets people like Jamal and Bibi to survive. Getting to Australia after long, hard boat trip across the pacific ocean, hope is what gets them their, and thinking that everything can produce hope, even when the situation seems hopeless. Jamal showed this when his house was blown up, and had to stay with Yusuf and his grandfather, when he says “If I get really good at soccer, do you think the government will forgive Mum and Dad?”(p41) Morris Gleitzman showed his sympathy for refugees, as shown by giving them all some sort of hope.
Hope creates possibilities. Because when your positive around you it spreads hope. For instance, In the book Fever 1793, the character Eliza spreads hope to Mattie. Eliza says that everything will be okay and things will get better and then at bush hill Eliza works with the sick people at bush hill who have the fever. But Eliza has to take care of the kids, so Mattie does that for
Firstly, hope is something we all need. Whether or not it is present in our lives can make the biggest difference. There are many families out in the world today who don’t know when they will get their next meal. As well as, many individuals. People should be able to always have hope for a better future for themselves, but
Relate to the big topic - Using this hope for the future, you get this idea in your head that you can make it through whatever peril you are going through, and you do because you believe you can.
Hope, by definition means to look forward to something with reasonable desire and confidence. Hope also means a person or thing in which expectations are centered. When discussing the word hope, one must consider the core values by which the word works around. You could hope for financial success, world peace, or simply hope for some good out of your day. In 2006, Barack Obama wrote the political biography The Audacity of Hope to outline his core political and spiritual beliefs, as well as his opinions on different aspects of American culture. The Illinois senator divided the book into nine chapters, each concentrating on both his own and the United States’ successes and failures in local and state politics. While revealing great
An example of how hope can affect a nation is the Christchurch earthquakes in New Zealand. IN September 2010 Christchurch was struck by a strong earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale, leaving thousands of residents with injuries, without homes and hundreds of casualties. These people demonstrated hope, as although the region is still recovering and receiving numerous after shocks weekly, they still are remaining positive and hopeful. As a consequence of the people of Christchurch’s hope, people all around the world and New Zealand are wiling to give aid to e people affected by the earthquakes . Also because of Christchurch residents hope that the earthquakes will stop, the majority of them have chosen to stay in the region and help recover their city. With hope comes positivity. Although the people of Christchurch have been affected terribly by the earthquakes they are still positive because of their hope. This shows how hope can be a good and important thing for nations today to have.
The Power of Hope Does the world have a stronger emotion than hope? Hope is a powerful emotion. It can change anything from cures to wars, hope starts change. Hope connects to Quite Strength because Tony Dungy uses hope in God to be a good guide. A quote is, "You profess to be a Christian, and tell everybody that God has first in your life" (Dungy 50).
Hope creates a God’s presence and help us persevere in difficult situations. This allows us to channel hope to patients and that they are not alone, God will always be there for them. Patients who lose hope tend to be self-destructive and have no goals in life, this can be detrimental to patient health recover.
Exemplar case: Kathy is a married 45-year old mother of one and she has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Kathy has always been a positive person in every situation and is quite known at her church for her smile and uplifting words of encouragement. Kathy’s husband and teenage daughter came to visit her at the hospital and were initially shocked and saddened by her sickly appearance. Her husband
Hope is surprisingly difficult to define and may be expressed in many ways. Overall, I feel that a good definition for hope would be that it is an optimistic and expectant desire that emerges from a stressor. It is a coping mechanism deeply rooted in motivation. It is the opposite of despair and fear as well as the influence that keeps us from succumbing to them. Hope can be identified as a means of perseverance as well as perseverance itself. Hope is the ability to detect even the smallest amount of light in the darkest of places.
My first thoughts were: Can I improve my Hope and/ or am I susceptible to suicide or health complications? A starting point has been established and for some a little or a lot more Hope in their life is a desired goal. I believe another aspect of hope and certainly in the realm of quantification, is discovering or solidifying the source of your hope. More importantly is the source of your hope powerful enough to elevate you to and sustain you at your desired level of hope. For some hope comes from having a foundation of faith; for others they place their hope in people, society or