
How Business Process Management ( Bpm )

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Over the past years, firms have faced unpredicted changes: globalization, political realignment, and rapid advance of information technology. Against this background the concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) quickly caught the imaginations of corporate leaders. (Kettinger et al., 2007). The recruitment process in the Public Service - Office of the Prime Minister is indeed a long process and the question is, how Business Process Management (BPM) principles and technologies can be used to shorten the recruitment process within the Office of the Prime Minister?

According to (Harmon, 2003) “Definitions of Business Process Management (BPM) range from IT-focused views to BPM as a holisticManagement practice. The …show more content…

The intention is to blend multiple channels taken during the recruitment process to achieve the intended benefits of the public service and that of the applicant using BPM principles and tools.
Fueled by the continuing demand for corporate transformation, there has been a flood of BPR consultants and a proliferation of methodologies, techniques, and tools (MTTs) for conducting business process change projects. Faced with this onslaught, BPR project planners often confused as to which methods are best suited for the project at hand (Ives 1994). This research will seek to detail the current lengthy recruitment process within the Public Service and the impact it has on the Public Service. The report will illustrate the scope, business case, analysis for improving the recruitment process in terms of BPtrends methodology.

Collected feedback from applicants, Chief Human Resource officer, Public Service Commission, and Department Human Resource Management-Policy Analysts, Permanent Secretary, Supervisor can help to maintain an effective and efficient recruitment process.

This paper is structured as follows. The 1st section will illustrate the current recruitment process OPM and the challenges faced, 2nd section is the definition of the used methodology being used to shorten the current business process, 3rd , 4th and 5th section provide a Process scoping

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