
How Did Bill Gates Change The World

Decent Essays

According to the Oxford Dictionary a leader is someone who commands a group, organization or country. Now, ask yourself this: Did Jeff Bezos become the richest man in the world, by commanding those around him? Did Steve Jobs or Bill Gates change the world of technology. by ordering people around? No one change the world for the better through absolute power, rather, these people changed the world by inspiring everyone around them. From my personal experience, and when we examine history, a successful leader does not lead using fear or commands, but with compassion by inspiring those around them. Throughout history, some of the most successful leaders have been those who motivated their followers by giving them a moral purpose.While other leaders throughout history attempted to inspire soldiers with physical wealth, greed eventually led to the downfall of even the …show more content…

Take for example Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, and the second richest person in the world. Although his rise to the top may have taken great leadership skills, his true time has a leader has come with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has shown the world that helping people and showing compassion is simple, and he has done this with his inspirational goals. A few years ago, Gates challenged people to find an inexpensive way to help prevent malaria in Africa. Using his position, Gates was able to inspire people from all over the world to take part in this challenge, and eventually, one man even found a way to help stop malaria for just a couple cents. This is just one way Gates has used his foundation to inspire people around the world. Bill Gates made a promise to the world, that before he died, he would give away at least half his fortune to charitable foundations. This act of goodwill ended up inspiring over a hundred other billionaires, including Warren Buffett and Elon

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