
How Do Kidneys Work

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Kidneys are bean shaped organs that are about the size of a fist. They are located below your rib cage. There is one kidney on each side of your spine.Every single day, the kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood each day. With in the blood, it produces1 to 2 quarts of urine, extra fluid, and waste. The Kidneys are one of the most important organ in the body if you don't have at least one, you will die.

How do the kidneys work? Kidneys are not one big filter. A Kidney is made up of about a million little filters called nephrons. Each nephron filters very little blood. A nephron has two little filters called a glomerous and tubule. Nephrons work through two processes. The glamorous lets the fluid into your body to get out all the waste.

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