
How Technology Can Open Doors For Some Students

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Sequence of Events
1. Nate told students they will need a QR reader and to download one if they do not have it. Students were then instructed to go find the four locations of the QR codes and answer the questions on a piece of paper.
2. While the students were working, I walked around to see if students were struggling to find the codes or with a question.
3. Once they were all back in the classroom, I announced they had about one minute to finish writing down their answers.
4. Students were asked to share their answers for how technology could open doors for some students. Many answers were given and built on with more questions.
5. The next question discussed was what a credible source and how to evaluate one. Students responded with a …show more content…

9. I then explained students would then be given the opportunity to create a technology based lesson using technology not familiar to them with the challenge of not using the ones we listed on the board. As a closure, the class would have created their own QR codes for the next day.

Reliving Events
#1 - Nate told students they will need a QR reader and to download one if they do not have it. Students were then instructed to go find the four locations of the QR codes and answer the questions on a piece of paper. Students were talking or discussing various different things and not everyone was paying attention. A few students ask what we were doing and wanted to get started, so they downloaded the app. Nate explained what we were going to be doing, but not everyone was listening still. Students were asking which QR reader was needed for the activity, so Nate explained any of them will work. It is what the individual student prefers their app to do. When students started getting up out of their chairs, the other students finally decided to pay attention and asked what they were supposed to be doing. Nate then explained it again for those who were not listening the first time. As

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