
How to Speak Effectively

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All telephone calls shall be answered promptly and in a professional and courteous manner in accordance with the DHHS guidelines for responding to telephone calls.
Guidelines for the Telephone

Please remember that when “the telephone rings three, it rings for thee.” Answering the telephone is every employee’s responsibility throughout the DHHS. As a general rule, telephones should be answered within three (3) rings and it becomes each employee’s job to answer it.

When answering the telephone, use a friendly, professional manner. Our greeting is the first thing heard by callers; you are setting an example and making the first impression for the department. Speak distinctly, with a warm …show more content…


Voice mail personal greetings shall be professional, kept current, and updated when necessary. Personal greetings shall indicate the staff member 's name, position, frequency with which messages will be checked, and a provision for contacting someone in person. Voice mail shall be checked frequently and calls shall be returned promptly. Voice mail shall be used in accordance with the voice mail guidelines.
Guidelines for Voice Mail

Voice mail can be a valuable tool if used correctly. Used incorrectly, it may cause anxiety and even anger. The system can be the caller 's first and last impression of your agency.

The DHHS voice mail policy is designed to ensure that callers do not become frustrated but receive prompt and quality customer service. Instead of getting a busy signal or no answer, the caller can leave a message in voice mail and from the personal greeting will know when to expect a call back or be given an option to speak to someone else.

Personal Greetings

Your personal greeting for your voice mailbox should be current and updated daily. It should tell callers when you 're going to be out of the office and unable to return phone calls. Let callers know when you will return calls and always give them an option of someone else that they may call.

Personal greetings shall indicate the staff member 's name and

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