
Human Resource Management : A Mandatory Organization

Decent Essays

Human resource management is a mandatory organizational practice despite the size of the organization. There are various aspects of human resource management that should be effectively addressed in any organization that desires to achieve its goals and objectives. In this paper, I researched the various aspects of human resource management that included hiring practices, training and development, employee satisfaction, compensations and benefits, employee relation among others. After carrying out the research, I found out that each of the aspect of human resource management is very important in the effective functioning of an organization. In addition, I found out that ineffectiveness in any of these areas of human resource management could lead to failure of an organization. In order to ensure effectiveness in Human resources management, the managers must be trained on how to go about the various aspects of HR management (Dessler, 2000). Introduction and Overview The paper addresses the importance of the various aspects of human resource management in small organizations. It looks at how each of these areas of HR management can lead to successful achievement of goals and objectives within the small organizations. In evaluating the contributions of the areas of human resource management in small organizations, the paper will address and provide insights

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