
Human Resources

Decent Essays

5. What is “employer brand” or “employer branding” to you? Compare your answers with your peers ‘views. What implications can you draw from this comparison? Discuss. Employer Branding refers to the perception of employee to the company. The approach taken to employment branding varies significantly from different aspects including from recruitment to retention, corporate social responsibility and career development. This also includes delivering the promises to its employees as well as giving them a sense of security or making them significant part of the organization. Some of the implications for satisfied employees who are proud to be part of its organization spread and adapt these core values. Likewise, due to good projections of …show more content…

Describe how this employer has fared in terms of “employer branding” or “employer brand”. What have been done correctly or wrongly at this employer and what should be done next to enhance this employer’s competitiveness in managing its human resources? Please explain and justify your answers. As per research for the best employer in the market, Google provides the best employment to all talents. Google has been around for few years and so far they have been providing the best compensation and benefits package to their employees. They have been very flexible in work hours because the company does not follow strict eight hour rule and no company has no uniform. Instead, they measure success in terms of employee productivity and efficiency. They also encourage their employees to allocate twenty per cent of their time to value adding activities for Google. Aside from their regular projects, the company encourage its employees to work on projects which will be giving benefit for the company. In this way, they allow their workers to be more creative and innovative which has been very significant with the company’s constant success in their field. Their approach has been able to develop and enhancement of different software like Gmail , Google news and many more. In terms of their service, they focus more on giving the best user experience they can give to their end-users which become their strong employer branding as well. As seen in their current

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