
I Discovered The Wonderful Website Of Verne Harnish

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How to Get Your Strategic Plan & Business Plan on One Page By Darren Bourke Sep 16, 2008 Having written many Strategic/Business Plans for clients over the years, I was often amazed to see how quickly the plan was filed away to collect dust in "business plan heaven" despite the time, cost and effort in preparing them. In my constant search for the best resources, I discovered the wonderful website of Verne Harnish.. Verne is referred to as the "Growth Guy" and only coaches medium businesses in the States that achieve four years consecutive 20% + growth - they are called "Gazelles". This guy researched and created the "One Page Strategic Plan" and it is brilliant in its simplicity, theory and contents. The document itself. It is importantly one page which limits space and forces you to be concise, focused and specify key goals and priorities. SWOT Analysis. Nothing new here except the need to really specify your Top 5 strengths, weaknesses, most profitable opportunities in the short term and most dangerous threats facing you. Core Values & Beliefs. How do you conduct your business? What makes up your unique culture? When your values are clear, it 's easier to make decisions. What 's Your Purpose? Why are you doing what you are doing? What is the reason you 're in your business? Actions. What specific actions do you need to take in the future to best allow you to achieve and fulfill your purpose and your core values & beliefs? Targets. Where do you want your business to

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