
Impact Of Media In The Media

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Do people and the media transform the stereotypes and view of the LGBT community in a positive way?
The media is a powerful tool in the twenty-first century that we are living in, and along with people on social media, it can make an impact on the world as a whole. In terms of the LGBT community, the people apart and not apart of this group can be greatly impacted by what people and the press say and do. Unfortunately, just as there is with everything else, the stereotypes related to the body of people in it is great. Through these, there is a great impetus at odds with everyone and anyone apart or leaning towards the LGBT community. In 2012 there were 9 million people apart of this community, a number that has obviously risen since (Gates). The amount of people who are in the group is hard to identify because the census currently does not ask of sexual orientation, thus it is hard to measure. Also since gay marriage was deemed legal on June 26, 2015, there has been a great rise in the number of LGBT community members. Since there has been a great rise, the amount of bullying and harassment towards these people has also greatly raised which is where our problem begins. Since there is a persistent presence of this problem, the people who are apart and are on the edge of almost being apart, fell more and more threatened by the day.
Social Impact
The biggest place where this problem is greatly displayed is in the social life of each individual. If it is how they

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