
Implementation Of A Project Management

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Projects must be properly planned, especially when there are a number of professionals involved in it. It is the duty of the management to introduce the planning and ensure that all the activities required on a project are carried out within the specify time. Over the years effective project monitoring and controlling has been the centre of attention within the construction industry, as a result of delays in delivering projects on time. The complexity and the manner of work being carried out in the construction industry can impact on the project performance. Taking into account the complexity and size of the projects, the capability to plan, monitor control such complexity is one of the key functions of project management. Cookie and …show more content…

Insaying that, diveation from plans sometimes occurs due to the nature and the uncertainity that are associated with the industry. Al-Jibouri (2003). Nonetheless, Pilcher (1992) argued that, proper implementation of monitoring and control techniques on construction projects can reduce these uncertanities.
Aims and Objectives
To discuss how to resolve the delays in the critical path activites of the school project, without affecting the target completion date of the project.
To focus on the use of effective monitoring and control techniques
To provide recommendations as how to maximise learning within and between projects.
When looking at the monitoring and control techniques on a construction project, it is important to point out that there are a number of them. However, this report looks at various cost control techniques that are used on a construction project because cost control is absolutely vital aswel as time and quality. This report also looks at other types of monitoring and control techniques, such as the Precedence diagram method and Crtitical path method.

Literature Review
Project management is seen as the application of skills, knowledge, tools and tecniques to projects activities that has to do with the demands of the project. (PMBOK, 2008). Futhermore, project management was defined by Kchithkara (1998) being the

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