
Interpersonal Communication In Health And Social Care

Decent Essays

Within this following assignments it will discuss, and compare the range of skill that are used within interpersonal communication, throughout the health and social care sector, and the interactions barriers that we have to vdeal with when working with work colleagues, and outside agency , as well as looking after our clients groups.
As Health care workers who work within the health and social care sector, the method which we tend to use when caring for our clients, throughout the NHS, is person centred care. We are trained to use the following aspects, which is to respect the needs, and wishes, at all times of every person, we come in to contact with. Which then, therefore helps these people and your fellow co-workers, know that you have …show more content…

Such as none verbal cues, behaviour and posture, facial expression, and eye gaze, gestures, tone of voice and listening as well as many more. For intense, one of the many methods we use is picture referencing, which is for our clients who are unable to commentate well with the outside world, due to many factors such as the possibly of stroke related illness, or even dementia. Therefore by using this method helps these individuals, have a better understanding of what is going on around them at the time when needed, and can sometimes prevent any distress to them. Simply by having reassurance and allaying any fears they may have, by knowing that this source is there to help their …show more content…

Where the care team form a meeting sometimes weekly or even monthly, to discuss the progress, and review of each client’s needs. Within these meeting, normally comprises of many different health care groups, who are involved with the care of our clients such as Nursing staff and dieticians, social workers, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and also respiratory care team as well. While it is good for all these teams to come together in this way, from personal experience this is when the transaction analysis comes into place by means of the three ego states. The parent and its attitudes towards the individual who cares about what is being discussed, and who shows their feelings about the client within the meeting, and then there is the adult, who collects the information, organise the meeting, and analysis what is being discussed throughout and takes on board, what needs to be done. Also then there’s the child who is spontaneous with their answers, and even questions, who comes across as being energetic throughout the case meeting, and who wants to please everyone who is involved with the care of the client. Consequently when you look at the case meeting, you can see that communication between each other and the way that we

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