Within this following assignments it will discuss, and compare the range of skill that are used within interpersonal communication, throughout the health and social care sector, and the interactions barriers that we have to vdeal with when working with work colleagues, and outside agency , as well as looking after our clients groups.
As Health care workers who work within the health and social care sector, the method which we tend to use when caring for our clients, throughout the NHS, is person centred care. We are trained to use the following aspects, which is to respect the needs, and wishes, at all times of every person, we come in to contact with. Which then, therefore helps these people and your fellow co-workers, know that you have
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Such as none verbal cues, behaviour and posture, facial expression, and eye gaze, gestures, tone of voice and listening as well as many more. For intense, one of the many methods we use is picture referencing, which is for our clients who are unable to commentate well with the outside world, due to many factors such as the possibly of stroke related illness, or even dementia. Therefore by using this method helps these individuals, have a better understanding of what is going on around them at the time when needed, and can sometimes prevent any distress to them. Simply by having reassurance and allaying any fears they may have, by knowing that this source is there to help their …show more content…
Where the care team form a meeting sometimes weekly or even monthly, to discuss the progress, and review of each client’s needs. Within these meeting, normally comprises of many different health care groups, who are involved with the care of our clients such as Nursing staff and dieticians, social workers, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and also respiratory care team as well. While it is good for all these teams to come together in this way, from personal experience this is when the transaction analysis comes into place by means of the three ego states. The parent and its attitudes towards the individual who cares about what is being discussed, and who shows their feelings about the client within the meeting, and then there is the adult, who collects the information, organise the meeting, and analysis what is being discussed throughout and takes on board, what needs to be done. Also then there’s the child who is spontaneous with their answers, and even questions, who comes across as being energetic throughout the case meeting, and who wants to please everyone who is involved with the care of the client. Consequently when you look at the case meeting, you can see that communication between each other and the way that we
Unit 1, Communication in Social Care Organisation Introduction: This essay will discuss communicating in health and social care, L01, L02, L03, L04. L01. How to apply relevant theories of communications in a health and social care contexts. L02. How to use communication skills in a health and social care contexts. L03.
P1 – Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context
In this essay I will be analysing the communication and interpersonal interaction that took place in various sectors such one to one interaction, group interaction and how effective these skills and other elements in the health and social care setting such as the environment was being demonstrated.
This will in turn build a relationship based on trust, mutual respect and understanding between the care worker or professional and the service user. By using appropriate verbal and
In this essay I will be explaining how I use good communication and interpersonal interactions with the residents I will meet on my work experience at a residential home for older people. I will be explaining the skills and strategies I will use to make communication making sure it is effective. My essay will talk about different types of communication for example one to one, with different types of people, including professionals and service users. I will use communication with a variety of people and consider the most appropriate form of communication to be applied making sure the needs of all individuals are met. I will also explain and discuss Argyle’s
As a healthcare professional a therapeutic relationship is fundamental in providing quality patient care. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) National Competency Standards for a Registered Nurse (2006) emphasises Collaborative and Therapeutic relationships as one of the four main domains which make up the standards. The assignment will explore one specific quality on establishing, maintaining and appropriately concluding a therapeutic relationship in relation to a Horizon Hospital and Health Service client, in this case Mary Young. The specific attribute chosen is ‘establishes rapport with individuals/groups that enhances they ability to express feelings, fosters an appropriate context for expression of feeling.’ This attribute is crucial in having the guiding principals for a safe professional practice.
In this assignment I am going to be explaining the factors that may influence communication and interpersonal in health and social care environments and also I am going to be explaining the strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions. I will be including sensory deprivation, foreign language, jargon, slang, dialect, acronyms, cultural differences, distress, emotional difficulties, health issues and environmental problems, misinterpretation of message, aggression, assertion and how they can be overcome.
So In this assignment I am going to be talking about the different communication skills used in a health settings i.e. (hospitals, nursery, mental institute, schools,
Within a health care setting communication is a necessity. This communication not only includes the need for professional communication but also the way in which information is shared to the patient and to other healthcare workers. Another important aspect of health care worker such as a nurse is the effectiveness off a handover. Within the video, Effective Communication in nursing these three aspects of communication (Professional communication, provision of information and handover) were seen and will be analysed further, within this essay. These will be analysed through the three aspects, the care of the patient, the image of the individual nurse and the health outcomes of the patient. All of these three aspects of communication are vitally important to the overall patient needs.
From studying AS level Health and Social Care, I have learnt many things regarding the quality of care and caring techniques that are used in all professions such as gaining compliance; and that a key aspect of this is communication. It has made me aware of how to communicate effectively within various care environments and also with a diverse range of people. This will help me in any profession as communication is a crucial aspect of caring for all individuals. Also, I have learnt through different policies and legislations in place in order
An Advocacy service will help support and get to know the child, find their interests and help them to learn to talk prop
M2, review strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.
P1 Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care
Evaluating the strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.
The day was October 1, 2016 and the time was 9:45pm when I met Mama. Mama is a Caucasian lady in her mid-70s and lives with her daughter. I met Mama while visiting an old friend at their house and we connected immediately. I chose to interact with Mama because I plan to work with the elderly and children once I receive my Masters in Social Work. I felt like this was a great opportunity to conduct more research on this special population and determine if this is what I want to do in my career. I also chose this individual because Mama was extremely inviting. There were no barriers I experienced prior to approaching Mama.