
Is Community Accommodations Work?

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As human beings, we all have our own values, notions and postures that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world. As community accommodations workers, we are often working with people who are vulnerable and/or who may live a lifestyle that mainstream society views as being different or unacceptable. As a community accommodations worker, we are to provide an accommodation that meets the needs of our target groups and avails them to feel empowered, we require to be cognizant of our own personal values, notions and postures and not impose our own ideas on our clients. It is important that I do not …show more content…

Even though she is nonverbal, I will instill in her, as with others that nothing is impossible. “According to the textbook, “The helper facilitates this action by objectively assisting clients to investigate alternatives and by remembering that the decision is theirs” (p. 174). Self-Awareness. According to our textbook, “Developing self-awareness is a lifelong process of learning about oneself by continually examining one’s beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors. Recognizing stereotypes, biases, and cultural and gender differences are part of the self-awareness process” (p. 177). Ability to Communicate. “Helpers’ effectiveness depends in part on their ability to communicate to the client an understanding of the client’s feelings and behaviors” (Okun & Kantrowitz, 2008). Careful listening means being “tuned in” to all the nuances of the client’s message, including verbal and nonverbal aspects of what is said as well as what is not said. My plan is to work hard at listening, gain their trust, and provide them with honest, constructive feedback (p. 177.) Empathy. Empathy is acceptance of another person. This quality allows the helper to see a situation or experience a feeling from the client’s perspective (p. 178). On one occasion, Jesus observed a widow about to bury her only son. His ability to sense her pain, his heart was overflowed with compassion and he approached the funeral and resurrected the young man (Luke 7:12-15). Biblical Worldview. I

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