
Jerry Is Not A New Theme For Jerry

Decent Essays

Jerry is a 13 year old male adolescent, the youngest of three siblings. In my initial phone conversation with his mother, I learned that she and her husband have been concerned with the friends he has been making since they moved to town 10 months ago. While polite and respectful at home, they are concerned that Jerry is being unduly influenced by his friends. She described Jerry as kind-hearted, and shy, since early childhood. She told me that Jerry has never had more than a few close friends, and seems to be uncomfortable in social settings where he does not know people. He stopped attending school dances recently. When encouraged to join a sports team, he made excuses as to why he did not want to join. This idea of not joining, is not a …show more content…

I reassured her that what happens in our sessions will be kept confidential, with very few exceptions. I gave her a brief overview of my theoretical orientation (see below), then reassured her that I will review the counseling process in more detail in our first session, including an explanation of how confidentiality works. I told her that I would like to meet initially with Jerry and both parents, then with Jerry alone. After these sessions, I may ask to meet with other family members, in various configurations, but I will discuss this with them first. Before termination, I would again meet with both parents and Jerry together. She seemed reassured for the moment. We concluded our phone call by setting up an initial session.
The ego state I chose for Jerry is the Shy Child. When Jerry was 13 years old, neither Jerry, nor his family, understood the roots of his shyness, the impact it would have on slowing his social development, or the time and energy he would expend playing out maladaptive behaviors. Of course, the conversation with Jerry’s mother never happened, and so Jerry was left to figure things out with minimal help (which he eventually did). In stepping back from this ego-state, and from a therapist’s point of view, I see a shy child who has already built up numerous defense mechanisms. These defenses, while maladaptive, have the purpose of protecting his sensitive ego-state. This is all a reaction to his

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