
John's Pyramid

Decent Essays

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success is an excellent model that cannot be completely replaced and it an eye opener for me. Looking at John’s pyramid, I was not able to disagree with any of the blocks in the pyramid because the much align with today’s business need for success in any organization. The above is much similar or I could say is a replica of John pyramid. The first step I have included Passion, Grounded attitude, Strategic planning, Strong minded and Planned behaviors. I believe those are the things needed to build a foundation for anything one need to do either in individual life or in business development. The second Step includes Knowledge, Hard work, Loyalty, and Discipline. Understanding and knowledge of whatever we do are very important if we want to succeed and excel. Hard work is a most and you have to be loyal to …show more content…

Please below. Looking at the first step, a project team can establish a positive team atmosphere by mutual respect, cooperation, friendship, and loyalty, and focus the team on solving the problem using such qualities such as enthusiasm and industriousness. On the second step, when the climate in the team is established, the team alertness is very to be able to focus on the project vision and align them with the set goals. The project team Intentness of the team will help them to be persistent, determined and be tenacious as said by John Wooden. Team member must take the initiative to put into action without being told any tools that will make the project to succeed. The third step is where team empowerment takes place. Team members should be of sound mind and maintain or even improve the condition and processes of the project. Develop new skills and update their knowledge continuously to be able to withstand the new challenges coming ahead, Project team must be motivated at all times in order to enhance the team

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