
Key Theories Of An Organization

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2.0 Introduction
From ancient times, the purpose of establishing an organization is to achieve certain goals and objectives. The manager has a function to play in attaining of set goals which cannot be underestimated with the increased society complexity and size increase of organization. The manager influences other workers to contribute and do their best to achieve organization objectives. Organization management therefore involves in making efficient use of human resources to accomplish desired objectives. It involves manager’s direction, evaluation and coordination of people to achieve the set goals. The management and/or manager of an organization who desires to succeed in meeting set goals must be sensitive to human factors of the company and create an atmosphere that is conducive to encourage and motivate the workers. It is therefore paramount building motivation factors into roles of organization, staff of these roles and the general process of leading and directing must be founded on the knowledge of employee motivation. This chapter will therefore explain the major motivational theories, strategies, factors affecting the strategies, importance and the two types. It will also explain the motivational effects of intrinsic and extrinsic reward.
The aim of this chapter is to give a comprehensive literature review of motivation. This would enable any reader to have an in-depth understanding in the aspect of motivation theories in modern

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