Leadership, as u can easily know the meaning from the word. It is basically a process where a person influences others to ensure that they reach their goals, directs the organization towards success. However, it also depends on how effective the leader is and on the followers’ interests. It can basically be termed as teamwork, where an individual (a leader) influences a group of people to make sure that they achieve the goal.
I did the assessment of myself from Keirsey personality temperament sorter chart to find out the leadership quality in me. Initially, I thought I am not a good leader and I don’t have the great quality to be a leader. The chart helps me figure out and understand what leadership quality I have. I have
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I believe by knowing my strengths and weaknesses, it will help me to improve the quality of my leadership style. I will try to overcome my weaknesses with the strengths I have.
Strengths and Weaknesses
I will identify few of the strengths and weaknesses, which I found out through the research I did about the ENFJs on the intranet. According to Keirsey & Bates, only 5% population in general has the ENFJ leadership style. ENFJs may find themselves feeling responsible for the feelings of others to an extent, which places a burden on the relationship (Keirsey & Bates, 1984).
I found some of the strengths in me, which is common for most of ENFJs. All the personalities are not same and it may vary person to person though. One of the common strengths I found is I am a very reliable and tolerant person and yes, this is very true of myself. People I know have trust on my decision. They found me reliable and they know I am a very tolerant person in any strange situations. I always listen to them, value their opinions and try to help and see it through. I am always ready to take a stand and avoid the contradiction. Most ENFJs are like that and they usually avoid contradictions. ENFJs are selfless and so am I. I didn’t realize this quality in me before I did the assessment of myself. I am concerned more about others’ wishes and needs than my own. I really care about what other thinks and I take the further
Effective leaders need to evaluate themselves in order to uncover their points of strength and areas of weakness on a regular basis. Self-evaluation helps leaders to see how far they are from achieving goals. It also provides a guidance to plan for what needs to be improved on personal and professional aspects. Clawson stated that before trying to understand other people’s behavior and personality, a leader has to be able to understand the own behavior and the reason behind it in order to maximize one’s leadership potential (Clawson, 2006). In this paper I will attempt to highlight my personal strengths and weaknesses as leader, I will also identify any areas needed for improvement and will develop a plan with the leadership skills and practices that I will use or that I need to develop to become an effective leader.
The next question posed to Rene inquired about essential characteristics of a leader. After giving the question some thought she responded by saying that a leader must be able to remain objective and prioritize. “Prioritizing in my job is essential,” Rene stated, “with so many issues to deal with some nights it can be difficult to determine which to tackle first. However, remaining calm and objective in your decision making can help a leader prioritize properly, which can improve patient outcomes.” Additionally, Rene emphasized that the best leaders lead by example. By displaying desired attitudes and behaviors, a nursing leader may inspire their staff to act in a similar manner. Another area Rene stressed when posed this question was a leader’s ability to support learning. She went on to state that “it is necessary to focus on learning, not chastising. Placing the blame on someone rather than stepping back and looking at the details of a problem, deters the team from achieving the overall goal. Incident reports remain vital to the process of learning.” Rene continued to emphasis that by filling out incident reports individuals can analyze a situation or process and determine where the flaws or errors remain present. Without incident reports and learning from mistakes, growth remains difficult. Diana S. Contino (2011), author of “Leadership Competencies: Knowledge, Skills, and Aptitudes Nurses Need to Lead Organizations Effectively,” believes that organizational and
ENFJ's tend to be more reserved about exposing themselves than other extraverted types. Although they may have strongly-felt beliefs, they're likely to refrain from expressing them if doing so would interfere with bringing out the best in others. Because their strongest interest lies in being a catalyst of change in other people, they're likely to interact with others on their own level, in a chameleon-like manner, rather than as individuals.
ENFJs have an immense heart for others, almost to a fault. ENFJ’s easily reflect on and over-analyze their own feelings, so if they get too caught up in another person’s conflict, they immediately blame the distress on themselves and try to fix everything. True to my personality type, I genuinely care about motivating people to live their best lives full of happiness. So, my biggest strength is my selflessness. This is true to an ENFJ personality type that constantly wants to bring people together and make a better world. The most relatable fact I found about ENFJ’s is the weakness of ENFJ’s being too sensitive. I take everything said to me to heart and am always worried if I have met people’s expectations of me. Similarly, ENFJs take too much to heart and constantly worry if they are doing enough. Because of this anxiety, ENFJs also have a fluctuating self-esteem and an indecisive nature. My self-esteem is almost entirely based on how other people are treating me. And every decision is a massive ordeal because I can’t stop thinking about everyone involved and what the want to happen. I want everyone to get his or her way; I hate the feeling of dissatisfying someone. Also true to me, I avoid conflict like the plague. I always want to serve the role of peacekeeper in a conflict. I also love to volunteer and give back, also true to ENFJ. Most everything I found on ENFJ fit me pretty well.
There are many ways to define leadership, but perhaps the most laconic as well as accurate definition is presented in Peter G. Northouse's Leadership: Theory and Practice book (Northouse, 2013, p.5): "Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal". Individuals, engaged in leadership, use influence to solve challenges, which the groups under their leadership face, in order to succeed in their common goals.
The Myers and Briggs Personality Type Inventory test assessed my personality type as an ENTJ, with an extravert of 72%, intuitive 38%, thinking 25%, and judging 44% (Humanmetrics Inc., 1998). A person with an ENTJ personality type is honest and has a preference for leadership. He or she is very constructive and will always follow the guidelines. Because, ENTJs enjoy order, if there is a flaw in a system, the ENTJ will implement a way to resolve that shortcoming. Additionally, ENTJs are very goal oriented, which leads them to develop long-term plans (The Myers & Briggs Foundation, 2014).
What is a leader? A leader is a person who commands a group, organization, or country. Throughout my life I have encountered the chance to experience position of being a leader. I have experience democratic leaderships through playing on a high school football team, being apart of groups in college for class presentations, being a youth leader in my church, and also being apart of a family. I have gain important qualities of being a good leader through these experiences. Some of valuable leaderships traits that I obtained and strengthened are: how to be a team player, to be a better listener, to have more patience, to be not afraid of constructive criticism, to be outspoken, and to be a problem solver. Even though I have gained a lot, I
In the following assessments: DISC Index and the Jung Typology (Myers-Briggs) Personality was available for me to test my personality and my behavioral traits. Within these results your limitations on life and the way you perceive certain values in life are determined and presented to the user through a substantial questionnaire. The DISC Index is more of a ranking type of questionnaire of a scenario while the Jung typology test is a 50-50, yes or no answer. Within these tests they can predict your traits as a leader and how you can improve your skills within any kind of setting. In reflection, this paper will go over the results of my assessment in both tests and trying to determine what they mean based off
According to Sullivan and Decker (2009), leadership is influencing others into working toward accomplishing a common goal. Some people are born with an innate leadership quality within them. Others require learning leadership and management skills. It takes a certain personality trait that makes them a natural leader. Intelligence, personality, and abilities are three categories of the trait theory that is a part of the profile of successful leaders (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). I will discuss my personal views of leadership. It will
I am classified as an ENFJ personality. This personality type is characterized as a charismatic, strong, authoritative, passionate person that often draws people to them, creating a natural teacher and leader. We find ourselves at ease in groups, and able to articulate our thoughts and emotions eloquently to just about anyone. We are also able to intuit what others are thinking and feeling through their actions in combination with their words, which can give us insight into their motivations. This allows us to naturally pull people together into a group, then find and set the common goal.
The results of the self-assessments are not consistent. According to the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment, I rated low on self-awareness. This is due to my inability to recognize my strengths and weaknesses. I did, however, rate high on internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. Next, the LMX 7 Questionnaire, I rated high. This questionnaire was given to my supervisor and one of my followers. The results of my Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire, I rated average in all leadership styles. I rated highest in the directive style. The Skills Inventory Assessment resulted in a high score in technical and human skills, and moderate in conceptual skills. Having a moderate score in conceptual skills results in my inability to see the goals of the organization. I should familiarize myself with the organizations aims and objectives and align my goals with theirs. Furthermore, the Leadership Trait Questionnaire scores averaged between a 3 and 4, the highest scores being in dependability and friendly.
During week one of the course, I completed a project that allowed me to identify my strongest and weakest leadership traits. The project required input from six individuals with whom I have a professional relationship. They rated me in different areas based on a scale, to determine the results. I also rated myself, and when I compiled the data I was able to identify the areas of leadership that I am strongest and weakest. The results are:
In week one, after taking the self-evaluation, I assessed myself as an ENTJ (Extroverted –
Leadership is the process of influencing individuals or a group of individuals by providing purpose, direction with the support of others, and motivating those individuals with the purpose of accomplishing a certain obligation which is helpful to all individual that is involved.
Leadership - is the art of influencing people, inspiring them to ensure that they willingly strive to achieve certain goals. People follow the leader, primarily because it is able to offer them (though not always feasible to) the means to meet their essential needs, specify the desired activity. The force of the leader is founded on a sound knowledge of subordinates, the ability to place yourself in their shoes, analyzing the situation to see the immediate and long-term consequences their actions, self-improvement, the ability inspires and subordinates confidence, awareness of the need to do certain actions, for employee behavior often reflects what 's expected of them.