
Learner Analysis Of Instructional Design

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I. What is a learner analysis? Reference the official definition and define in your own words.

A Learner Analysis is an analysis of a student learner that determines the learners approach to instruction. Several methods are used to collect data for a learner analysis. These methods include: determining and articulating learner predispositions, knowledge, and skills (Brown and Green, 2011, p.71). In essence, the purpose of a learner analysis is to give the instructional designer a thorough look at a student. Using a learner analysis, the instructional designer has a clearer picture of what a student knows, where the student is coming from, and how the student learns best. To create an accurate learner analysis, the instructional designer must have more than one data analysis point.

II. What are the benefits of conducting a learner analysis during the instructional design process?

In The Essentials of Instructional Design (2011), Part II of the text presents the vital aspects of any instructional intervention. According to the principles of instructional design, there are three analyses that an instructional designer should conduct during the intervention process. The instructional designer should conduct a needs analysis, task analysis, and learner analysis. Before its possible to understand the benefits and importance of conducting a learner analysis, it is important to understand the two complementary analyses: the needs analysis and the task analysis.

The needs

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