
Learning Disability Diagnosis

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If a school counselor is to execute the most effective curriculum, each intervention should be tailored to the needs of the specific age-range. This may vary from school to school depending upon the school culture and population. The Hill Center counseling department has used research in conjunction with on-site observations to conclude that friendship and peer relations are most relevant to the elementary aged students. A sizeable number of elementary students world-wide experience difficulties in friendship-making. They may experience poor relationships, have few friends, and find it difficult to handle sometimes complicated interactions involving adult figures in the school and at home (Oden & Asher, 1977; Omizo & Omizo, 1988; Shechtman, …show more content…

Givon and Court’s model is comprised of four stages. The first stage entails coming to complete understanding of the importance and goal of a diagnosis. The second stage involves understanding the details and nature of the learning disability. The third stage necessitates a willingness to learn and request help in learning when needed. The fourth stage involves readiness to utilize the aid that is given and readiness to self-advocate for services and accommodations (Givon & Court, 2010). These stages are complex and involve commitment and motivation by the student. In order to advance towards completion in this process of self-understanding, much education and continued support is …show more content…

Research has continuously shown the positive benefits of group counseling for treatment of students with special counseling needs (American School Counselor Association, 1984; Bowman, 1987; Schaefer et al., 1982; Shechtman, 1993; Schiffer, 1984). Not only can a counseling group disseminate important psycho-educational information to students, but it also provides social support which can reduce psychological stressors (Pearson, 1986). Group counseling also lowers physiological arousal, lessens stress, and facilitates coping (Shechtman, 1993). Furthermore, the examples of peer acceptance and support that are displayed in group counseling contribute to the development of social self-efficacy in students (Hampton & Mason, 2003). All of these group processes promote social skills, close friendship, and self-esteem (Anderson & Bauer, 1985; Omizo & Omizo, 1988; Rose,

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