
Life Essay : The Best Day Of My Life

Decent Essays


Everything started on a beautiful sunny day, I was nine months pregnant with the most beautiful belly shape, but also it was ready to pop. That morning I woke up feeling different, it was an unexplainable type of excitement running through my body. I wanted to get dolled up, so I curled my hair, put some makeup on and wore my long blue dress. My husband and I decided to have a little date, so we went to town and had lunch together at a restaurant, and also went last minute shopping for our baby. Everything just felt magical that day, and I just couldn't understand why. We arrived home late in the evening, and suddenly my contractions started, as time went by they were getting worse and worse. I refused to go to …show more content…

Luckily, my doctor was on call, nurses started coming in the room, and they set me up in no time. Another doctor came and done my epidural, everything was going great, I was not feeling any pain, but suddenly I stopped dilating at four o’clock. I was five centimeters and at nine o’clock I was only seven centimeters. My contractions were getting ridiculous, my epidural was no longer working. My doctor was no longer on call, and no-one bothered to tell me so. Everything just went down the hill for me; Every second was an eternity from there, my pain was unbearable to the point where I just felt blood coming out of my face, but finally there was 11:10 a.m. it was time to push. I have never felt so motivated in my life to do something while being in so much pain at the same time. It was 11:20 a.m., and I swear I never once shed a tear during my entire labor, but once I saw that little tiny angel like face I was bawling of joy. My heart melted, my eyes were brightened of sunshine, I went up to the stars and came back, the entire world just stopped for a while and it felt like it was just me and him. I slowly and carefully looked at him. I saw his little feet and hands, his tiny finger and toes, his perfect pink lips. He had the prettiest brown round eyes, chubby cheeks and a head full of dark hair. I knew then I was in love, the most pure and beautiful love I have ever felt in my heart. That was love at first sight. I turned around and saw my

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