Managers’ and Employees’ Motivation and Its Importance
Joechelle Gemino
Indian River State College
Is it very important that managers understand their employees’ motivation. There are different components that need to be bonded together in order to motivate employees. Workplace environment and communication influence managers’ and employees’ motivation. More motivation means more productivity. The relationship between managers’ motivation and their employees is analyzed in this paper.
Managers’ and Employees’ Motivation and Its Importance
A manager’s objective must be to help construct an organization with employees that motivate and inspire each other. Employees’ motivation are important. Motivation affects employee’s performance, which affects the company’s overall success. It leads to greater work performance. Motivation is important because it creates the drive for employees to perform their responsibilities and achieve their organizational goals. “It is the psychological catalyst employees and owners require to reach the goal” (McKay, 2014). In order for managers to create a strategic motivational plan, managers need to have a better understanding of what motivates their employees.
Manager’s Responsibilities
“One of the most important functions of management should be to provide direction to the organization – what is known as strategy” (Schweigner & Szilagyi, 1984). Managers ideally should be able to formulate and choose strategies that will lead to the
According to researcher Lindner (1998), motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces to aid in the survival of organizations. Not only is it important to meet the needs of the consumer, it is equally important that to make sure that associates are taken care of and remain motivated. For this reason, Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly and Konopaske (2012) “states much of management’s time is spent addressing the motivation of their employees” (p. 125). According to the Encyclopedia of Small Business (2007), employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity employees bring to their jobs; the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organizational goals (Lindner, 1988). Despite its obvious importance, employee motivation can be an elusive quest for managers due to the multiplicity of incentives that can influence employees to do their best work. The reality is that every employee has different ways to become motivated and the knowledge of how to motivate them is key to organizational success. It is imperative that employers get to know the personal needs and wants of their employees in order to establish tactics in which to motivate each of them. Once achieved, “managers are in a better position to encourage and reward employees to behave in effective ways” (Gibson et al, 2012, p.
Motivation is derived from an internal force that provides an individual the opportunity to achieve their needs or goals. People are motivated by a variety of things and often have different motivating factors. Employers should be mindful of individual motivating factors when attempting to motivate staff to increase performance. While some people may be motivated by money, many are motivated by things like: recognition, promotion, and increased responsibility. Once an employer has identified motivating factors they are able to analyze a variety of motivational theories to design and implement a program that will motivate employees to go above and beyond what is expected of them.
The ability of having good stamina can help when facing an issue. The narrator demonstrates his perseverance to get Doodle to walk. In the text, the narrator didn’t think that Doodle walking could be accomplished but he didn’t give up. The two would go to Old Woman Swamp every afternoon in the summer to teach Doodle to walk. The narrator would pull Doodle into a standing position at least a hundred time everyday. Then one day, Doodle could stand alone for a few seconds. In the beginning of teaching Doodle how to walk, the narrator thought, “It seemed so hopeless from the beginning that it’s a miracle I didn’t give up”(Hurst 467). The narrator spending his summer to teach Doodle how to walk shows how desperately he wants Doodle to learn. Also,
Employee motivation is, or at least must be, one of the key issues for directors, managers and personnel managers. The leader must be able to find the sensitive strings of his subordinates, which can be motivated by influencing them to achieve high performance. The correct use of motivation encourages staff to make more efficient use of their knowledge, skills, and talents. In today's turbulent, often chaotic environment, commercial success depends on the employee's talent and effort. Despite the many existing theories and practices, some of the motivation of leaders today remains a mystical term. This is partly due to the fact that people are motivated by different things and techniques.
In his article, Honore (2009, p1) stated that “the most important asset that any employer has is not money, product, or profit, but the people; his or her employees”. Motivation in the workplace is affected by different elements of own individuality. The personal needs, interests, values and attitudes differ from person to person and thus the main view should be on communication between employees and employers (Honore 2009).
Every organization no matter how large or small has goals they wish to meet. Each organization will have changes in its future and has to have certain set goals and objectives in place to help map out their course of action that will lead to their desired end result (Martin, 2009). In order for a company to successfully meet their final goal it is important for them to continually motivate their employees. According to Organizational Behavior by David Baack, motivation is what starts, maintains and stops behavior (Baack, 2012). Organizations each have their own way to set goals and motivate their
Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology is devoted to the study of employee behavior in the workplace and understanding the issues facing organizations and employees in today’s complex and ever changing environment. Motivation refers to the set of forces that influence people to choose various behaviors among several alternatives available to them. An organization depends on the ability of management to provide a positive, fostering and motivating environment for its employees in order to increase profits, productivity and lower turnover rates of its employees. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and compare six academic journal articles and explore the behavior, job, and need based theories of motivation that can aid management in motivating and understanding their employees. Finding that delicate balance to can sometimes be elusive so effectively learning how to motivate by understanding, controlling and influencing factors to manipulate behavior and choices that are available to employees can produce the desired outcome.
The reason motivation of employees is important is because it has a direct impact on profitability of the company. If the employees are motivated, there is a greater productivity which means more sales and more money. Culture and strategy of a company can greatly impact on the attempts to increase its employees’ motivation. Firstly, the company provides the employees with rewards. Secondly, they value the employees and thirdly, it values diversity.
To understand how managers motivate employees it is important to first understand what motivation is. According to Angelo Kinicki and Mel Fugate, the authors of Organizational Behavior, A Practical, Problem Solving Approach, the definition of motivation is “…the psychological processes that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought.” In other words, motivation illuminates why a person does the things that they do. Furthermore, there are two categories of motivation: content theories and process theories. Content theories identifying internal factors that increase employee motivation, while Process theories explain the process of influencing employee
The term motivation refers to two different ideas. Motivation is an internal state that leads to the fulfilment of objectives. Personal motivation affects the direction, depth, and persistence of effort. From a manager’s point of view, motivation is the process of getting people to fulfil objectives. Both concepts have an important meaning in common. Motivation is the expenditure of effort to accomplish results. The effort results from a force that
As the organizations need to maximize workers performance it is challenge to achieve the overall objective of the organization to adopt motivational strategies to its employees. Investment in workers through motivational strategies are made today for future benefits for an organization.
Employee motivation is important for organizations to produce the desired results needed and function effectively. In this essay we review rewards and recognition, trust, and employee development, as motivational issues that are challenging Cummins Western Canada today. These challenges are affecting the environment, the performance, and the culture of the organization. Looking at some motivation theories, we will analyze the issues identified and provide some ideas for improvement to this challenge.
An important factor that contributes to the success of an organization is employee motivation. Organizational size & complexity, competition due to globalization, advancement in information technology has led managers to try to figure out ways to motivate employees to get the most out of them to stay competitive. Motivating employees is a challenging task as organization must deal with the diverse work force. Employees change their jobs frequently when employers don’t meet certain expectations. This dynamic nature of needs and expectation poses challenge to motivate employee in the organization.
In today’s economy, businesses face evolving issues, and attempt to examine ways to obtain a competitive edge. The individuals behind these problem-solving issues are the managers within the company, whether they are first-line managers or top managers. One of the many goals of a manager is to motivate their employees, which makes the organization more efficient. Employee motivation is a very understandable concept, but the process of implementing this to your work staff is very complex. Employee motivation is very essential to running a successful organization, and managers need to find the best strategies to make sure that this is accomplished.
Employee motivation is one of the most critical functions in an organization. It gathers people together to get work done efficiently. Employee motivation influences every part of the business from the sales floor into corporate level offices. It is very important in an organization to have employees working as a team and towards the same goal. However, getting employees motivated towards their job is one of the most difficult tasks for managers. Every employee is first and foremost an individual. Each individual has their own needs and beliefs. It is the manager’s job to set a pleasant environment where everyone feels satisfied and needed within the organization.