
Mark and Spencer

Better Essays

1. Identify and explain the different customer needs of which the three M&S clothing ranges aimed to serve? Assume that the Perfect and Classic ranges serve essentially the same customer segment. 1.1 Introduction Mark & Spencer is a leading retailer that offers stylish, high quality and great value clothing for a wide range of audience (M&S, 2011). They are also offering other products and service such as homeware, outstanding quality foods and financial services. Mark & Spencer was established in year 1884 and introduced by a Russian-born Polish refugee who name Michael Marks. Mark & Spencer had operated it business from a stall and grown into an international company which have over 600 UK stores and serving 10 million numbers of …show more content…

Table 1 | |Perfect and Classic ranges |Autograph range |Per una range | |Product range |* standard |* boutique |* medium | | | |* designers’ collection |* fashion | |Design changes |* standard |* seasonal |* frequent | | |* limited | | | |Price |* reasonable |* high |* affordable | | | | |* competitive | |Quality |* high |* high |* excellent | |Sales volumes SKU |* low |* high |* medium | |Order winners |* affordable price |* designer collections |* excellent quality | | |* long-lasting |* superior

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