
Mass Media Development And Literacy Assignment Options

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Mass Media Development and Literacy Assignment Options Week one HUM/186 Allyson Wells, instructor David Strom October 30, 2017 I have chosen Option A for this assignment. I will be discussing the major developments in the evolution of mass media over the last century. I will discuss how each development influenced the American culture. And finally, I will discuss what is meant by the term, “Media Coverage,” and how it has affected our everyday lives. There have been significant changes in the world of mass media over the past century. Traditional media is the term which is used to refer to all forms of media which were present before the internet. These means of communication included printed materials, such as newspapers, books, and magazines. National magazines which were popular were: Time, Life, and Newsweek. The National Geographic was a magazine which cover news and trends from across the globe. Probably the most widely read magazine on the topic of music and entertainment was Rolling Stone. News was broadcast on television and radio. Entertainment could be seen at the movie theater and heard on the radio. Books were published, both fiction, as well as non-fiction. Biographies were written about the lives of individuals, from Presidents to celebrities and athletes. If you were interested in cooking or home making, you could pick up a copy of Good Housekeeping or Better Homes and Gardens. “ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1. 1983, and from

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