
Mcdonald's Influential Fast Food Chains In The United States

Decent Essays

McDonalds is by far one of the largest and most influential fast food chains in the world. This one corporation can change and influence a very large amount of the United States economy all on its own. If McDonalds were to go bankrupt and close all of its restaurants then millions of people would lose their jobs. McDonalds provides health care and other basic benefits to all of its full time employees, and without these benefits then these people would go uninsured and could not make it. McDonalds also makes up a very large amount of capital put into the United States economy by its customers. Many people who cannot afford to go to a nice sit-down restaurant opt to the much cheaper alternative and decide to go to McDonalds to buy food. A large …show more content…

To go with that there are many people that say McDonalds is unhealthy and should be banned because it is the cause of obesity, but in all reality McDonalds does not cause obesity. It is the lack of self-control by many people that over eat this type of food and over time does lead to weight gain and later obesity. Interesting is what McDonalds did in reaction to this negative pressure is they came out with all new foods that are healthier, with less fat and less calories. The way McDonalds makes its food, is it meeting FDA and other regulatory standards and how often is that inspected. Is McDonalds doing right by its employees, providing proper benefits and compensation for their work? This could be a very good argument all on its own because some could say yes, they do because they provide so many jobs. However McDonalds could not feasible pay all of its current employees as much as some would like or provide all of the benefits wanted, so what they can pay and provide really is a good deal. On the other side people could say no they need to hire more full time employees and give them more pay and better benefits. This is possible only if many of the current employees are cut however. So there are many ways to look at this

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