
Military Communication Research Paper

Decent Essays

Communication defined is “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior”. The military has been improving on the sources we us to communicate with one another for years. Technology today has allowed us to purse ways to do that. Good and effective communication starts by the platforms we use to deliver information to our personnel, units, and organizations. These platforms can be internal or external forms of communication. Internal military communication platforms can be used to disseminate information within a unit or organization so others can readily find information in a timely manner. Commanders and leaders also use it as way to pass information to subordinates so they will have the information they need to stay abreast on current unit/organizational events. I think the main reason the Army uses this …show more content…

There is a saying that I have heard since 2007, “Who else needs to know” comes to mind when I think of this type of internal communication platform. Being the OIC for lessons learned (L2), some of the information I would put out are things like reach out efforts from different units that have returned from deployment, will deploy, or units at some type of training exercises. I would report after action reviews I received from units or the students within the Soldier Support Institute (SSI) that completed one of our courses. I would also report Reverse Collection and Analysis Team (RCAAT) or VTCs that are pending from returning units. I would report any classes I would be teaching, briefings or significant events I would be attending. Each section would do this and it allows the leaders to ask questions and keep track of events and tasks going on in the

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