
Mtxi Case Study

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Renal toxicity is one of the most important side effects of MTX at high dose(Muhsin & Latif, 2012).
Studies report that oxidative stress plays an important role in MTX-induced renal toxicity(Ibrahim et al., 2014). MTX produces active oxygen species (ROS), resulting in lipid peroxidation and resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction. Neutrophil infiltration and oxidative stress have been proposed for MTX induced renal toxicity(Bozkurt et al., 2014). Garlic has been selected due to its antioxidant and antiradical properties(Santhosha, Jamuna, & Prabhavathi, 2013) and its potential protective role in MTXinduced renal toxicity has been addressed.
The results of this study show that administration of MTX to rats increased the serum BUN and serum …show more content…

The damaged kidney tubular cells interfere with tubular cell renewal and cause renal dysfunction and reduce GFR and thus increase serum BUN and creatinine amount. In addition, these cells can be poured into lumen tubules, thereby reducing the flow of tubule fluids and exacerbating the precipitation of methotrexate in tubules. MTX is actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, so
MTX accumulation in the tubules causes damage to the region and impaired renal circulation, resulting in a decrease in the amount of glomerular filtration and the concentration of creatinine and
BUN Plasma increases(Ahmed et al., 2015).
Histopathologic results confirm MTX-induced renal toxicity. Outstanding histopathologic findings in kidney tissue of the methotrexate group include injuries such as congestion, Bowman capsule dilatation, mononuclear infiltration of cells in the interstitial tissue around the urinary tubules and connective tissue surrounding the glomeruli, swelling of the wall of the ureter tubules And fusion of their lumen and in general, interstitial nephritis, and tubular necrosis were observed (Fig. 3).
Histopathological evidence is consistent with previous findings that have addressed methotrexateinduced renal damage(Armagan et al., 2015; Asvadi et al., 2011; El-Twab, Hozayen, Hussein, &
Mahmoud, 2016; Uzkesera et al., 2012; Yuksel et al., 2017)
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