
Muscle Functions Of Muscle Function

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Muscle Function
Masseter helps chew food by raising the mandible up and down
Latissimus dorsi extension of the arm, the adduction of the arm, and the rotation of the arm towards the center of the body
Triceps brachii extension of the arm and forearm
Deltoids rotation of the arm towards and away from the body, and the extension, flexion, and abduction of the arm
Trapezius extension of the cranium, adduction and elevation, and depression of the scapula
Extensor carpi radialis abduction and extension of the hand
Extensor carpi ulnaris extension and adduction of the hand
Serratus ventralis abduction of the scapula and rotation in an upward direction
Rectus abdominus enables the vertebral column to be flexed and the compression of the abdomen
Pectoralis minor enables the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs to be raised for inhalation of air and allows the abduction of the scapula and its inferior movement
Pectoralis major arm to rotate towards the body and the flexion and extension of the arm
Sternohyoid pushes the hyoid bone down
Biceps femoris flexion of the leg and extension of the thigh

Gluteus maximus extension of the thigh and the rotation of the thigh away from the body
Gluteus medius enables the thigh to be abducted and to be rotated towards the center of the body
External oblique flexion of the vertebral column with a forward movement of the abdomen and chest, and allows for the lateral flexion of the vertebral column and trunk rotation
Senitendinous enables leg to be flexed and

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