
My Best Friend - Original Writing

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When you stare at the stars for too long your vision will blur, and if you don 't blink the stars will disappear and you will be left with the empty night sky. I can 't count how many nights I spent lying in my driveway staring at the stars. My best friend and I had made a habit of staying out too late laughing and crying until there was no light left. When I remember these times I always remember Abby 's shoes. She and I used to prop our feet up against the bricks of my house and just talk about whatever came to mind. Her red converse next to my bare feet. Although, we fed off each other in a way because whenever one of us was upset or angry the other was sure to follow. We had not been apart much during our lives. When I was 5 she moved …show more content…

One memory that sticks out is when she came to visit me from heaven and I tried to convince her to let me be the ghost next. She got angry and screamed in my front yard, "I like being dead!". At the time I believed her to be nothing more than a stubborn little girl playing a game, and now, I know that is all she ever really was. Abby and I fought often. They were never huge fights, but some were filled with tears. When we disagreed she would threaten to go home and I would panic and give in to whatever she wanted because again I didn 't want to be alone. But she didn 't let me go that easily. She would take slow steps down the street inching closer to her house until I gave her fruit snacks. I would yell down the block," If you come back you can have fruit snacks!" and all would be well with the world. She would smile her crooked smile and run back laughing. We would eat fruit snacks until we were sick and by then forgotten what the fight was about. Food was always something we 'd struggled with. Once we 'd decided we were going to become bakers instead of doctors. We would mix anything we could find together and usually only succeed in developing a new fire hazard. Our capabilities ranged from baking a cake in the microwave to making Reese 's cups with frozen chocolate syrup and peanut butter. Cupcake tins filled with the mixture overtook my mothers freezer and shed began calling anything we made a "concoction". We 'd become masters by the time I was 12

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