
My Experience At My Time Spent With B.

Decent Essays

In this final journal I will likely focus a lot on my time spent with B. For me, the time with her (even though five outside sessions is a lot of outside work) has likely been the most beneficial aspect of this course. I have been able to take lessons learned from class and utilize them in our time together, but they have mostly been done in a way that works for us. As usual, I will also talk about the demonstrations that took place. My sessions with B have been incredibly real and unfiltered. I likely have done the most work in our sessions. I believe we offer a safe space for each other to honestly talk about the oppressions that impact our life. I feel safe being vulnerable with B. We meet on Fridays, and last Friday I cried …show more content…

I knew she was emotionally drained. I heard and understood that she had work to do after leaving class and that she didn’t want to be too exhausted to do it. I understand the need to push clients, but I also understand when it may be time to not push too much. The exhaustion she was talking about is real. Yes, she may be stuck in despair, but she is fighting every day. She is trying to break free, but it is extremely difficult when life doesn’t seem to let up much. I believe in B. I know she will continue to grow and push herself. She’s a fighter. The demonstration with C was likely the most fun one to witness. I have struggled with anxiety my whole life, so I could relate to a lot of what he was saying. I also could identify with the gift of just being who you are without over thinking everything. He was free to not feel the restriction that he has felt from his mother, from comparing himself to others. He was able to just be C. I understand why he felt better after the demonstration; he was able to be his authentic self. He was good enough. The freedom to be who we are is not easy for many. I’m grateful that C had a safe space to experience letting go of who he “should” be. At first I thought his humor may be a coping mechanism, but it really did seem to put him at ease. He was having a good time. In fact, I think it was fun for the class in general. Honestly, it was enjoyable to witness a

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